Chain Cleaning Methods


Junior Member
Mar 30, 2011
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A few questions about chain cleaning:
1) Do you use a brush? A 3 side brush or a cheap one? If no brush, what?
2) How often? 200mi, 500mi, monthly...relube often, but clean less often
3) what is your favorite lube of the day and why?
4) have you tried the fancy scrub systems?
I use the good old fashioned elbow grease method :) mixed with a rag doused with WD-40 , comes up just like new :thumbup:

I clean my chain every fortnight or every 2nd wash & use Motul chain lube :rockon:

I use a brush from a dustpan with some Kero doesn't stay on there long and wash it off with some soapy water. Don't do it very often but when I do I make it like new. I lube about every 500km with belray superclean chain lube. The lube works great makes the chain look good (white spray) and doesn't fling off if you let it set for a few minutes after applying. 30000km on the stock chain and only had to adjust it twice, once at about 500km and again at about 20000.
A few questions about chain cleaning:
1) Do you use a brush? A 3 side brush or a cheap one? If no brush, what?
2) How often? 200mi, 500mi, monthly...relube often, but clean less often
3) what is your favorite lube of the day and why?
4) have you tried the fancy scrub systems?

1) I have one of those fancy scrub systems but will use an old toothbrush from time to time to clean out the more difficult to reach parts.

2) Generally I clean once a month.
I lube twice a month. If I go on a long trip or the weather is extra cr@ppy I will do it more often.

3) I use S100 "weisses ketten spray" (not to be mistaken for one of the other numerous S100 products) its more like a wax, so it sticks really well, but it has to be applied when the chain's still warm (after a ride) otherwise it doesn't cover as well.

4) I have a system which is basically a plastic box, in 2 halves, with numerous nylon brushes on the inside. you simply click the thing together around your chain and hook it to the foot pegs to stop it moving backwards. There is a tube at the top to spray your chain cleaner into, and one at the bottom to allow the excess to drain away.Then you turn your wheel by hand and it cleans your chain. I generally use S100 chain cleaner, but last time the shop was out of it so I bought Motul chain cleaner instead.

I use my bike all year around and it's parked outside (under a cover).
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I clean with WD40, Grunge Brush and shop towels. Lube with PJ1. And do it when it starts to look dirty.
I use paraffin oil as it doesn't dissolve the o-rings with a Toothbrush and a rag. Simply dip the brush inside some smole containter with paraffin oil and give the chain a brusshing session (protect yourself, bike and the floor from all the extra spray) and then use a rag either with praffin oil if the chain is really bad or just a rag to clean it.
I don't know if you guys know it but there's also a good belive that not cleaning the chain with any additional fluids is good way to go aswell, as you don't wash out all the lube from the inside and just use the rag to get most of the dirt from the surface of the chain.
I just use a toothbrush shaped thing I had lying around (I think it's nylon). I have been cleaning and lubing probably once every 500-700 miles and just lubing once in between. I figure when I clean and lube, the lube doesn't get applied to a warm chain. When I lube without cleaning though, it's always after a ride so the chain is warm.

My chain always looks nice compared to the bikes of some of the yahoos at my work, but maybe they just neglect their bikes...?

Haven't tried any fancy scrub systems yet...

My favorite (although I've only been riding for 2900 miles or so so I don't know if I'm qualified) has been the DuPont Teflon series stuff. There is a chain cleaner you spray on and let sit, scrub, and wipe off. Then there's the wax, you basically just apply and let sit for 30 minutes before riding. Seems to work well.
For those of you using Dupont Multi-Use Teflon Lubricant, do you use the spray or the squeeze tube?
I have used the grunge brush and chain cleaner (cannot remember brand).

I have found out that using a rag soaked with WD-40 in combination with the brunge brush does a good job too. I clean it about every 1000 miles.

I use Belray spray wax about every 300 - 500 miles.
Wait for a torrential downpour, take off the chain guard, and go for a ride.
I use Motorex Chain Lube Strong which is white and easy to spray.

I use it also for cleaning because every time I lube my chain, I wipe extra lube from the chain with towel and that way it is always clean and goldy. It also helps keeping clean back of the bike and back wheel.
1) ...
4) I have a system which is basically a plastic box, in 2 halves, with numerous nylon brushes on the inside. you simply click the thing together around your chain and hook it to the foot pegs to stop it moving backwards......

It's the Kettenmax system?... I got that one too!

Its not perfect - additional cleaning is required in between - but cool thing is that all that dirty grease will run into a little plasticbag :D
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Looks like I can get Kerosene at Walmart in a small blue bottle. Then rags and locate this dupont multi-purpose lube. Sounds like a couple of stops and I'm set for chain cleaning next week!
I used [ame=""]This,[/ame][ame=""]this[/ame]and [ame=""]this[/ame] on my previous bike.

But after reading this thread, maybe I should buy a jar of pickles.
For me, the easiest method is as follows:

1. clean your chain BEFORE you clean your bike

2. Soak the chain with Kerosene from a spray bottle, let it soak for 15 min.

3. spray the chain with Kerosene a second time and use a plastic bristle brush to scrub it quickly.

4. Rinse the chain with water, proceed to wash your bike if you like.

5. Dry the chain of surface water using a rag and slowly spinning the wheel by hand, be careful of the sprocket!

6. Spray the chain with WD-40. This will drive out moisture from the O-ring seals. Let the chain dry for 30 minutes if possible

7. Apply your chain lube of choice.

When I use this method my chain comes out looking new and it only takes several minutes of actual work.