Ceramic Coated Headers...pictures & stat's!

If I can't find somewhere else I'm going to be restricted to a black finish I think. There are colours available but none look that great! Maybe someone in the UK knows of somewhere?

A friend of a freind owns The Trikeshop if anyone knows where and how (locally) they will...ive seen their exhaust work after another freind dropped his Z1000 and its top notch. Im sure they will have contacts..ill make a call over the weekend
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A friend of a freind owns The Trikeshop if anyone knows where and how (locally) they will...ive seen their exhaust work after another freind dropped his Z1000 and its top notch. Im sure they will have contacts..ill make a call over the weekend

Awesome. Cheers Gilo, let me know, close to home too so no postage!
I rarely get excited over anything to do with exhaust systems. But that right there is very lovely looking and I like it.
