Carrying a concealed weapon???

Haha, thought that myself :p

But then if I was going to carry a gun while riding, I'd want to do it batman style, two cannons mounted forward facing, capable of blowing up large obstacles, like buildings, and armoured vehicles.

:thumbup: YES! A pair of .50 caliber machines guns or perhaps grenade launchers. I'd use them to rid the world of all jack-offs that drive at or below the speed limit!
While I don't carry (or own) a firearm outside of the hunting type, what may make so many want one is the incredible slant to local media stories. In Houston, every week the local news tells stories of some poor convenience store clerk working the night shift getting killed over the $80 and a bag of Doritos. Very sad stuff.

IMHO this stems not from too many people being gun-happy, but rather from a lack of consequences in the legal system. Ending someones life for no reason carries a relatively light sentence these days. Even in execution-happy Texas.

So all these normal, law-abiding folks are scared sh**less of being caught between a loony and a hard place with nothing to shoot back with.

Heads up Disco...
America is a gigantic country with an incredibly diverse population... Some people carry some people don't.

I just love how the rest of the world wants to dump all of this stereotypical American BS on us about how we are imperial racists and completely ignorant to the rest of the world...

Take a look at yourselves first a look at every country that decries American persecution. Does your country suffer from a bit of homogeneity? Has your country ever imperialized? I'd ask if prejudice was a big part of your life, but that's already been answered.

Is this country a little broken, yes... what country isn't?

Get off your high horse and grow the confidence to create your own experience rather than listening to a tabloid...

Great post- you beat me to it.
I strap a Mossberg 500 Pump Shotgun to my back when I ride.

I would like to have some pnumatic air soft machine guns mounted under my headlight's.....M/C AIRSOFT WAR!!!! WHEW HOO!!! THAT WOULD BE FUN!!!! :D [ame=]YouTube - airsoft battle 1[/ame]
Do you have a specific reason to carry the gun or is it just for safety measures which could get you in trouble if your not smart about using it. Have you used one before and know proper gun safety?
I carry a .357 mag or a .44, in my tank bag, when I am going on trips in my state. I live in Alaska, where people are a minority and wildlife is plentiful.

If I am out camping next to my bike and a Grizzly comes into my campsite, I want to know I am protected.

I have plenty of various guns, but I would never carry them as protection against people. Not unless I was living in a really bad neighborhood or something (none in AK), but then again, I would just rather move. Happy to be living in a state where concealed carry does not require a permit, and the only dumbasses I have to worry about is an animal that I can kill if being attacked, no questions asked.
just my $.02

i carry for my job, both pistol and rifle, (on private property), and my mother is a dispatcher for the county police

that being said i do not carry at home/public, mostly cuz i dont have one and would rather get mods for toys.

but i also think that the biggest reason that MOST that carry (leagaly), carry because there are many that carry illigally, and when some drunk or dopped or hothead , theif, carjacker , rapeist ect. has his illigal peace i would want to protect myself from that too. esp, depending on where one lives.

as for the poor shmuck that gets shot trying to rob sombody i dont feel bad for his stupid criminal @ss. dont play that game and you wont have to deal with the consiquensis

smoothpapa, most states that have conceled laws make you take AND pass atleast basic courses, and there are rules about not carrying in bars, large gatherings, banks, schools and several other places. (at least here in mich, in new mexico and arizona are a diffent story, i just dont know how diffent cuz i dont live there and have not looked into it.) btw are you not military?? i would feel better hanging out with somebody i know has had some trainning that has a gun then going to the "hood" were ppl can be desprate and i dont know if they have one.

i also agree that there are some :squid: that carry that shouldnt but over all i feel a bit more comfy knowing that it is not only the "bad guys" with guns, i know i would be damn thankfull if a murderer was shot by a bystandard when he was trying to abduct my family!

like most are trying to say it is a peace of mind (no pun intended) to know that you can protect your self from all the "crazys" out there.. hope some of that clears some things up for our freinds on the other side of the pond. it is not to be gung ho or anything like that just a "comfort zone"

sorry for the long post btw just figured i would throw out some reasons from a rational point of veiw

edit to add that davemc makes a great point also
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smoothpapa, most states that have conceled laws make you take AND pass atleast basic courses, and there are rules about not carrying in bars, large gatherings, banks, schools and several other places. (at least here in mich, in new mexico and arizona are a diffent story, i just dont know how diffent cuz i dont live there and have not looked into it.) btw are you not military?? i would feel better hanging out with somebody i know has had some trainning that has a gun then going to the "hood" were ppl can be desprate and i dont know if they have one.

I really don't undertsand what your asking me. Yes, I am Military and have used many firearms in my 17 years. I was reffering to FZ6JOKER if he had any experience with firearms. I own 2 rifles and a shotgun and have them in my house and don't even know the firearm law in Florida. Guess I better find out quick hey. :rtfm:
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God want to carry a bloody gun on a motorbike? are you stupid?

What happens if you crash, get knocked out and the first person to your aid is a nut job that finds the gun????

Why are you americans mental about guns??? You're not cowboys anymore.
Why do you guys all carry guns? In what way will they help?? Surely it will only make any situation worse

A lot of people just enjoy shooting. In order to shoot, most people go to a shooting range, which requires transporting said firearms. Most Americans don't' carry guns, and the ones that do generally do it while transporting, not for protection.
Some good points have already been touched upon, but I'll throw my 2 cents in as well.

There are enough people in the states that have guns and have no problems using them for bad purposes. Most of these are obtained illegally by those people who have been disqualified from owning a gun (yes, it's possible to have your 2nd amendment right taken away from you) and as such, the laws meant to keep them out of their hands obviously have not worked.

There's a general perception amongst those responsible gun owners that the police are spread too thin to be able to prevent a violent crime from affecting them and as such want the OPTION for dealing with it themselves. That's the main reason most citizens own guns and why people opt to be licensed to carry them.

This does not mean that everyone is armed and itching to use deadly force if they don't get sprinkles in their latte.
papa all i ment is that i would rather hang out with someone like yourself that has a weapon and has had tranning rather that some goon that may want to kill me for my money or my car or as intiation into his (gang)

Scorphonic i am glad that you live in a place were you have not seen enough of the types of **** that would make one want to carry.

"Why are you americans mental about guns??? You're not cowboys anymore. "

because i dont want to get caught in a gunfight without one. there are toomany ppl here that are willing to take what they want by force and i like the comfort of knowing that i can fight back with a simmiler amount of force used against me if needed.. i say again IF needed.
I hate this topic...

I'm a big fan of the 2nd amendment (right to bear arms for those across the big lakes) I was on the rifle team in my high school and have enjoyed skeet and hunting... My family and I have a few legal firearms that we have around primarily for sport...

That said, I have always defended against the ignorant liberal ideology of abstention from bearing arms (I'm not a conservative, just embarassed by lack of reason), however I have been exposed to a fair share of legal gun ownership which is equally as embarrassing... for example "Hey Im drunk, lets just look at my gun", "well Im using in case I get robbed" (read studies on the human response to pulling a trigger, In cases where a gun was used as self-defense, the perpetrator was shot at only 28% of the time (could be that the gun was a threat, given) however 20 of the 28% were cops) the point is that the average Joe just holds the gun and the perp runs. (gotta say that could go either way)

My point is even in the cases where people have them legally the carrying of a concealed gun on a bike... it sucks. I get it you're from a bad part of town, get off your bike because the gun wont help you, I can barely scratch my ass and ride. The image of a gun as a right of passage is HS as well. Assault weapons are embarrassing... Im just gonna stop...

I agree. I rather hang with someone who has a gun who has gone through some type of training. Not some smuck off the street who bought a 2nd hand gun off a friend. I have my wife and daughters go to the range with me and fire my firearms so they get the feel for them. When and if the time ever comes in there life when they may have to use one they will be prepared.
I've yet to be in a situation that I couldn't handle the "old fashioned " way, without a gun. I know many people that carry, I chose not to, no need. If I get in a situation that would dictate me shooting you, I probably shouldn't have let it escalate to that level. If I need shootin', go ahead, make my day. But in the back of your mind, always remember, the hand is quicker than the eye. If you pull a gun on me, make sure that ,
1. you are far enough away that I don't take it from you, and 2. make sure you use it !!!
I don't know a single person who thinks to themselves "When I go out to a movie tonight, with my wife, I just think some guy is going to try and rape her. I just have a gut feeling that we are going to be attacked by a gang who are in need of a dope fix. I just have a sense that I am going to get into a situation where a gun is going to save my life today. Better strap up."

Who thinks like that? If you have the ability to see into the future and avoid any situation where you will ever be forced into a situation that calls for you to protect your loved ones then good for you.

I for one will not be on the 11 p.m. news talking about how the guy who raped my wife got away with it. Cause it will never happen. That is why my wife and I are going through the training and legally obtaining our firearms that we will be able to take with us to any of the places that we frequent. And she will never get raped ever.

For anybody that is thinking "Well, you don't have to shoot and kill the guy who is attempting to rape your wife. Just let him go and the cops will take care of it." Anybody who is thinking that is so far from my mindset that they would never understand anybody that carries.

Opinions are great. I love to hear from people from around the world who have different views on issues like this. I guess that makes me a huge idiot like several of the previous posters have made it a point to say. It is amazing that some people think so highly of themselves that they would insult anybody that has a different view than they do.
Not that I want to keep the thread going, but... :rolleyes:

I live in WI - we do not have concealed carry here - however I possess a permit from Utah. And I firmly support training and classes necessary to obtain permits.

That being said, I would like to offer up a victim perspective here. Many of you may remember that back in March our house was broken into. Four individuals were involved and part of what they took were two hand guns. Two of the thieves took one of the hand guns and used it in another robbery two days later - and pointed it at a guy who came upon them. The one with the gun said in a statement that he was seconds away from pulling the trigger and if he would have he would have emptied the clip. That gave me chills - since he was in our house, watched our house for three days before breaking in, knows the lay of the land (so to speak) and knows what we have left that they could come back for - and we live fairly secluded in the country.

Do I wish I could carry in WI? You bet. Do I carry on vacation in legal states? Sometimes. Do I drive up to the house and give it a "hairy eyeball" before I go in wondering if all is ok? You bet. Would I want to carry on the bike? Don't know. I just wish I had the choice...
The issue is not using a gun while riding, lol. Do you want to carry for that very rare, but possible situation where you would need to protect yourself, or someone else.

A common anology would be why you wear a seatbelt in a car (or a hemet on a bike). You wear it everyday for the very rare but possible situation where you need it for protection.

I have a concealed carry permit, but I rarely carry anymore. Funny enough, the places where I feel I need it are out of state where it's illegal to carry.