Camping during a ride... how to plan it?


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Jul 12, 2008
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So I know alot of people, while on a long tour, will camp at sites along the way. I'm into that, but alot of times I don't have a definite plan about where I am going to end up for the night. How do you find campsites in the area? There definitely aren't as many as hotels around. Also, any tips on stuff to bring if you're going to do that?
Get in touch with local tourist offices on your route before you leave. They can supply you with books of campsites in their areas.

Take a travel towel. Less bulky and quicker drying than normal towels.

haha most of the time I go camping I will place a tent at the beach or at some nice hidden patch. Save some money :thumbup:
May I recommend the book Motorcycle Camping Made Easy, a very enjoyable and informative read. I never did get out camping last fall, but with no GF right now I intend to spend a few weekends this year out on the road! :thumbup:
Allright I know about this subject!! sleeping on the ground suck's! so you will need some very strong alcohol to guzzle once you've found a spot to pass out....ughh i mean camp!:D also BUGS ARE A HUGE PROBLEM!so get some deep wood's off and don't just spritz with it PAINT yourself with it.oh and since you will be busy drinking your sleep aid bring lots of beef jerky and slim jims (note not the spicy kind )if you get the spicy you will find out the next morning why I said not to!:D oh yeah T.P....and don't forget the Tum's and Excedrin Extra stregth for the heart burn and achin bones and muscles in the morning!!!!CAMPING IS AWESOME!!!!!!:D
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If you're going to do a long distance trip, join KOA (earns you a discount) and get the locations of some of the KOA sites on your trip. If you can schedule some of your days to hit their camp grounds you can reserve a "Kampin Kabin" (Photo Gallery for the San Diego Metro KOA Campground (California) cabins are the barn shaped things in the background). They have electricity and real beds. Usually there is a little barbecue grill & the KOA store has all the essentials. They even have pay showers! Cheaper than a hotel and you might even get to eat Smore's :cheer:
If you have a sat nav there are loads of sites where you can download large collections of POIs with campsites. Lots of campsites are for camper vans/caravans/statics only so make sure you ask if they allow tents. Also, I'd recommend looking for ones that have shower facilities as you will feel much more awake in the morning after a shower and you don't want to be stinking in your leathers!

+1 on the alcohol, micro/travel tower, inflatable mattress, bug spray. I just have a cheap tent that packs pretty small as I know how annoyed I will be if an expensive one gets trashed while riding.

Also, try to save space where you can like looking for small cans of deoderant and tubes of toothpaste and try to just bring some small canvas boat shoes instead of massive trainers.

Bring a rain suit and make sure EVERYTHING has two layers of waterproof stuff between it and the rain you're bound to get. Heavy duty bin bags are great as well as panniers etc with built-in rain covers.
If you're going to do a long distance trip, join KOA (earns you a discount) and get the locations of some of the KOA sites on your trip. If you can schedule some of your days to hit their camp grounds you can reserve a "Kampin Kabin" (Photo Gallery for the San Diego Metro KOA Campground (California) cabins are the barn shaped things in the background). They have electricity and real beds. Usually there is a little barbecue grill & the KOA store has all the essentials. They even have pay showers! Cheaper than a hotel and you might even get to eat Smore's :cheer:

plus one on the KOA they have a great network of place's all over the US and they are so worth it I plan on useing them this summer on my long trip !
Take a travel towel. Less bulky and quicker drying than normal towels.

Douglas Adams said it best:

For some reason, if a strag (strag: nonhitchhiker) discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, washcloth, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet-weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have "lost". What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with.
Towely: "Don't forget to bring a towel!"

Well it depends on the area but if you're planning on a formal camp ground then these guys are giving good advice. I'm in central PA and we have vast state parks all over. I wouldn't use a "camp ground", just pull over when you find beauty in the middle of nowhere. Sounds like you're more formal about the planning but you can still just pull over and sleep in some parts of the country. In Connecticut they may try to arrest you for that, ida know.
plus one on the KOA they have a great network of place's all over the US and they are so worth it I plan on useing them this summer on my long trip !

Just in case you didn't know, KOA gives a discount if you get their membership. Last time we did a trip it worked out that if you camped with them 3 or more times, the discount was more than the membership fee.
I've also found that most of the KOAs that I have dealt with over the phone were quite knowledgeable about rules and regulations in the area if you really are just looking to set a tent up anywhere and drop. I've personally gotten a membership for my coming trip this May from here in Downeast Maine to California :D I love camping in the middle of nowhere, and I love riding for upwards of 10 hours a day...but by that point, I at least want an outhouse.
I spent several months backpacking on the Appalachian Trail in 2003 and got lots and lots of rain while I was out. I packed anything I did not want to get wet into trash compactor bags. Unless you poke them with something sharp, they will keep all water out (if rolled up at the opening), and are pretty cheap for what you get. I always use them for clothes, sleeping bag, food etc. Also, if you think you will could face a lot of rain a silnylon tarp is worth its weight in gold. Packs small, weights little, and makes hanging out/cooking/drinking in the rain way more enjoyable.
What's the difference between these bags and good old Glad heavy duty trash bags?

Trash compactor bags are a lot tougher than any regular trash bag I have found and lasted way longer when heavily used. Most heavy duty trash bags are around .8-1.1 mil. while a trash compactor bag should be between 2.5 and 3 mil. Some of the contractor type bags are as thick, but I also think the white color of most compactor bags made finding gear hidden at the bottom a little easier than an all black bag.
What beaches allow you to put up a tent?

Your not. I woke up in the morning to USA police take your tent down. But I got my 8 hours in :thumbup:

Of course finding a camground that will provide running water and bathrooms is better than just picking a random spot. But you will save money and if you come across a nice area you may just want to set up camp there.