Call me a goose


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Feb 24, 2011
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Melbourne Australia
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I'm a goose
there done, I admit it!
Just dropped the bike in the back yard

just washed it, took it for a 20 minute run to dry it off
as I pulled in front of my garage I was just going to park it and lube the chain but the back wheel was going to be where it was still a bit wet so into the back yard to turn around, bike leant over to the right, just too much front brake and over we went, scuff on the bar end n scuff on the grab rail and scuff on the rh pod. Slightly bent brake lever
and me... wrenched my neck, somehow I have bruised the inner side of my left knee and

I feel like a big.....

F****** GOOSE

saving grace, No-one else is injured, no trip to hospital, but I gotta say I had a funny feeling this morning and I have been edgy on all rides today - just when I relaxed I guess, and too much front brake, damn how could I do that, I should know better, damn

Im a goose:(

but having still been wearing my boots and draggins no busted ankle
so a lesson well learnt ATGATT it works
Sorry to hear :(

I almost did that doing a U-Turn on a very steep hill one time on my old 600 bandit. Missed the house I was going to so did a U-Turn and foolishly hit the front brake half way through. The bike folded like origami. Still don't know how I managed to keep it off the road (I weigh barely more than 50kg and aren't exactly build like a brick s*** house).

At least the bar end and lever are replaceable.
the scuff is like 5 mm long and 2 wide and it was the footbreak lever that bent. I just found a slight scrape on the front lever and the ol' sharpie has come into play
More bruised ego and a size 9 up my behind is due for being foolish. I was in a hurry
my bad!
Sorry to hear :(

I used to ride off the curb (between the cars) in front of my house on my previous bike, until one day in the wet I took it too fast, I thought I'd saved the bike after the rear slipped on the curb, only to realise I couldn't turn in time (before reaching the car on the other side of the road) so I layed it down in front of my house :banghead:
Since then I always wheel the bike backward onto the road before riding off.

Hope you can fix the damage reasonably easily.
yeah the bike is ok the oggy knob took most of the fall and just as well as I think my leg would have been well trapped under the bike, but my knee is getting more and more sore and now my back is starting to clamp up a bit too.
Not sure if thats from the lift. and I did it the reverse way too but these bikes weigh a bit, last time it was only down about 30 degrees and I was stil astride it
Still I think I have got out of this one with nothing to really be too upset over, when I read about some of the unfortuanate things that some of us have had to contend with, I count my lucky stars and just hope that everyone else will be careful- I thought I was!
Gahhhh.....sorry to hear about this. I hope your back & knee are fine, and it's good to hear the bike is fine.

If it makes you feel any better, I dropped mine a few weeks ago coming out from a stop in a right turn. Operator error all the way. It was a bit of an uphill turn, and I *think* what happened was I stalled. Anyway, I got my leg out from under the bike (edit: *before* the bike dropped). Got a hand from someone to lift the bike back up...I've done it by myself before once, but I didn't want to chance throwing the back out. Right footpeg had snapped off. I rode it home the ~1 mile with the heel of my boot (I think) on the mount for the peg. No major damage to the bike, just a few scratches...frame sliders saved the day. Footpeg was pretty cheap to replace, but the whole incident was pretty daggone embarrassing. Probably should've posted this to the Hall of Shame. :BLAA:

Again, hope your back & knee are OK. :rockon:
So sorry for your bad luck :(

Hopefully your body will heal up quick. Parts can be replaced (and if they're just scratched.. they can be ignored :D )
Bugger !!!

Dont feel to bad Ade , I've been there & done that....... Hurts your pride more than anything else :(

This will make you smile :)
[ame=]Toyota bugger - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah Kazza in the cold hard light of day my knee looks worse and I have yanked a few muscles I forgot I had .....the r/ brake lever is straight again the 2wheels f/brake lever looks fine with the application of 'the sharpie' the oggy knob is just grazed and my embarrassment is almost gone but I have been more careful with slow manoeuvres and braking- not such a bad thing really the pod and grab rail, if you don't know where to look you'll have trouble spotting it
But I still think the moniker goose is one I can wear and proof positive that it can happen to anyone no matter where you are and careful you think you might be

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner and it works every time !
I'll never forget this... It was the very first day with my bike, I had just driven it home and pulled into the driveway. I was so excited, I had been waiting years for this moment. As I hop off beaming with both pride and excitement, I instantly realize that I forgot to put the kickstand down... I turn just in time to see my brand new girl falling to her right side, such a tragic moment and one I don't suspect I'll forget anytime soon.

Luckily the only damage was a slightly scuffed frame slider, but that's what they're there for, right?!