Cali cops must be really laid back


Howie Mandel's evil twin
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Apr 28, 2009
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Pittsford, VT
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Good ole Mulholland.. how is this road not being constantly watched by cops? No way they'd let riders do this over and over on any road in NJ.. especially since it's such a well known spot.

Anyway.. quite a bit of very skilled corner shredders in this one

[ame=""]Mulholland Riders - Elbow Dragging ,Crash - 10/2014 - YouTube[/ame]
Don't they build tracks for riding like that????
Two guys passed us on the Dragon going the opposite direction with knees down :eek:
My guess is that the road brings tv crews, tourists, and money to whatever county the road is located in.
Of course the track is the place to do that kind of riding. To put it simply, if the rider feels it's necessary to slide well off the seat into a turn to be able to make the turn, nevermind sticking the knee out, he or she is almost certainly going too fast for the street. Reason #2 would the rider simply not knowing the reason and purpose behind race body position and he or she is just doing it to imitate racers / look cool, etc.

Having said that and to get back to the original video.. can't take away the fact that many of the riders in that vid are highly skilled. I have no doubt that many of them have been to the track countless times.
I have seen more video of people falling on that road than making it round, but at least most of them were kitted up, except the dude with the crazy handlebars and the one who lowsided at the end. He got up okay but then the pain from that hole in his jeans began to set in.....
I have seen more video of people falling on that road than making it round, but at least most of them were kitted up, except the dude with the crazy handlebars and the one who lowsided at the end. He got up okay but then the pain from that hole in his jeans began to set in.....

Yeah, really wasn't my intention to focus on Mulholland or the crashes.. just thought it was interesting that there's a well known chunk of road where this kind of riding consistently takes place without cops ticketing the poop out of everyone.
I was forced to ride the "Tail of the Dragon" in September as the group I was with said you must ride it. It was everything I expected on a Friday afternoon-cops, crashes and meat wagons.
Honestly I felt it a waste of time and both of these roads are known for the posers-good riders or not.
I'm sure there are times during the week when riding either road would be fun but there are so many better roads near both of these squid traps that won't put yourself in harms way by idiots.
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Good ole Mulholland.. how is this road not being constantly watched by cops?

It is.

I've been subbed to that channel for a long time, you'll see a cop in
a lot of the vids, and/or respond to a crash within a minute.
It's similar, maybe, to sports cars executing skillful cornering techniques. How is a cop to assert that motorcyclists or sports car drivers skillfully maneuvering through turns are riding/driving unsafe? I mean, what would be the offense besides a generic "unsafe riding" offense or something? Speed limits don't change for every corner. How about the bicyclists also? A lot of those guys/gals, too, are really hauling through some of the same corners as well. I would be challenged to accept it if an officer cited me for "leaning too much" through a turn although it was clean. A track is fine but, realistically, car buffs, sport riders, bicycle enthusiasts will not drive fine sports cars, bicycles, motorcycles just on tracks. It would be awkward (even unsafe) to post a speed limit for every corner.
It's similar, maybe, to sports cars executing skillful cornering techniques. How is a cop to assert that motorcyclists or sports car drivers skillfully maneuvering through turns are riding/driving unsafe? I mean, what would be the offense besides a generic "unsafe riding" offense or something? Speed limits don't change for every corner. How about the bicyclists also? A lot of those guys/gals, too, are really hauling through some of the same corners as well. I would be challenged to accept it if an officer cited me for "leaning too much" through a turn although it was clean. A track is fine but, realistically, car buffs, sport riders, bicycle enthusiasts will not drive fine sports cars, bicycles, motorcycles just on tracks. It would be awkward (even unsafe) to post a speed limit for every corner.

Good point, I suppose. I don't think there's a lay that says dragging a knee is illegal. On the other hand, I bet they can easily be sited with reckless driving (BIG ticket here.. 5 points).
It is.

I've been subbed to that channel for a long time, you'll see a cop in
a lot of the vids, and/or respond to a crash within a minute.

There is usually a cop sitting at the famous spot, just waiting for a crash, which usually happens.
Mate if that was here in Queensland the coppers would be all over that like no mans business !!! :eek: :eek: That would be the biggest revenue raiser in the state LOL

Maybe so, but, let me tell you, Aussies don't strike me as being conservative. First of all, it seems that most of them are outside the country on vacation. Amazing how many I meet during my travels. Second, they know how to spell "P-A-R-T-Y."
There's a guy in our riding group that will drag knee going 25 mph around a corner that I'm going 45 mph+ on. lol

We also have guys that keep up with him easily on corners where he's going double of more the posted suggested speed for the corner without dragging a knee.

He says he tries to go around the corner with as little lean as possible. While not illegal (as far as I know), I think it will get the cops attention, which isn't good for the rest of us...