Caladin's 2009 trip.

Because I was finding it so cold and I was feeling sick I decided to skip going the Salt Flats and head west into Nevada in hopes that it would be warmer. The route required me to drop back into Arizona for a short run.


Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks, but droping down into Nevada was a lot warmer at first.

I considered riding into Vegas. But instead decided to head north a little and take a hotel soon. Well, as luck would have it, every hotel I came to was full. Even one's in little tiny towns with nothing around. So I rode off into the high desert. I ended up on the Extraterrestrial Highway which had signs of no services for over 100 miles. Well, in the end, it was over 150 miles. The entire route was all open range. I saw more cattle on the road in that section then anywhere else. You would see a sudden cloud of dust at the side of the road that was followed by a running cow. If that wasn't bad enough, there were what seemed like millions of suicidal jack rabbits on this road. They would sit at the side and watch you approach, then, at the last second, they would bolt out at lightning speed in front of you. I had hit the brakes what seems like 100 times for these darn things when all of a sudden one bolted out just in front of my bike. I didn't have time to hit the brakes (likely a good thing). He was about 2 feet tall and I nailed the rabbit at 100km/h. The front end shook pretty bad and I felt the back tire go over as well. I didn't stop to check on the rabbit as I'm sure he was toast. I swore that the first place I came to I would stop at. When I finally reached Tonopah I was so cold and tired. I took a room at the first hotel I came to. I must have spent 45 minutes in the shower with hot water running over me jut trying to warm up. I have ridden in much colder weather, but being sick had just pushed me over the edge. I went to sleep and hoped to feel better in the morning.

Day 17: 802km / 498mi - Tonopah NV to Klamath Falls OR


Come morning I slept in 'til check out time. I felt better after a night's rest but I was still feeling sick.


Mmmmm more snow.




So as I rounded this lake I was following this local that had pulled out in front of me. The speed limit had dropped from 70mph to 60mph. I was doing about 67mph behind this car when a police car rounded the bend. I watched him go past and saw him turn on his overhead lights. He had no place to turn around so he continued on half a mile before turning around. When I saw him turn I pulled over to the side of the road. The car in front of me continued on. The cop sped past me at what seemed like 100mph to go after the other car. I pulled out a few seconds later and continued down the road. A minute down the road, there he was with the other car pulled over. He was standing at the side of the road waiting for me and signaled for me to pull over. I pulled in front of the car. I stayed on the bike and removed my helmet, got my licence and registration out and waited my turn. When he walked over he thanked me for pulling over both times and for staying on the bike. He said right away that I would not be getting a ticket but that I had to sit tight as he didn't want the other driver to know that I was being let go. After he wrote them up a citation and let them go, he returned and asked me about my trip a little and then let me go on my way with just being told to keep the speed down a little.

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I then crossed into California. An oddly placed construction sign blocked the welcome to California sign.

A short time later I reached the tree line.



Mt. Shasta.





Welcome to Oregon.
Day 18: 938km / 583mi - Klamath Falls OR to Home


I started the day again feeling sick. I cannot describe how crappy it is to be sick with a running nose and sneezing constantly while wearing a helmet. I know I was feeling really crappy because I only snapped a couple photos. I shivered the entire way home, and only removed my jacket liner for about an hour. I didn't feel that my concentration was affected while riding.


And here we have it. The ending mileage of 83992km (52190mi)

So I traveled a total of 15,027km (9,337mi) in 18 days. Averaged out that makes 834km (519mi) per day.


GPS statistics showed a moving average of 89.8km/h (55.8mp/h).

So I traveled into 26 states!
Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon.

Of those 26 states, 18 of them were new for me. I have now ridden my FZ6 to 36 states and 10 provinces.

I have spent the last week cleaning chain gunk off every part on the back of my motorcycle.


The PJ1 chain lube I used this trip was the best stuff ever! Last trip I wore my chain out so badly despite being sure to lube it every 500km. I had very little chain wear over this trip. I did notice it would wear more when riding gravel roads or in sand/dust storms. All the dirt and mud made for a nastey looking chain.


I found a fair amount of rabbit fur stuck to the chain lube gunk as well.


Come spring the bike will look good enough to put back on the show room floor!

Neither of my tires were new at the start of the trip. My front tire needed replacing in Louisiana. My rear tire (a BT021) held out right 'til the last day. I pushed it a little, but it looked fine up until the last 200km. Then part of it started to look like this.


I'm sure people will call me crazy but this rear tire has had a plug in it from prior to this trip. It did develop a small air leak when riding a lot gravel roads. It resulted in a 6psi loss over 24 hours. It seemed to resolve itself though. I would check my tire pressure in the morning and once throughout the day.

This air filter was replaced just prior to my trip.

I had to wash out my air box because of all the red dust inside it.

I finished my oil change now and she is just about ready for the next trip! So where to? The Baja? Alaska?
WOW dude! :rockon:

That was EPIC. Beyond epic.

Thanks so much for posting all of that, I just spent about 45 minutes poring over your pictures in awe. Enjoyed every minute of it.
Yum, Yum.. good stuff! Fun to see many of the places I have ridden through.Too bad about the dust storm, that's some magestic country when the dust isn't flying. Pictures just can't convey how big things really are out here in the west.
Kudos on one hell of a ride!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Caladin I really enjoyed the last one and this is another one to spend the winter nights enjoying. Great trip.

There are over 9600 members on this forum, if everyone gave you a rep point, that still wouldn't be enough.

Most impressive trip report ever posted on this forum, and we've had some great ones too. You Canadiens are tough!

There is one picture with your bike next to the water nearing darkness, an automatic winner in my books for Bike of the Month, forget that, Bike of the Year for such a great pic and what your bike just went through.

Kudo's for riding sick too. You are my hero.

Thanks for sharing.
I cannot say it any better or clearer than what Kenny stated! Same comments about that very same picture too!

Amazing, astounding, epic, incredible, awesome..... could just keep going on and on!

Thank you for sharing this with us! I dream of such a trip one day!
What an awesome trip, and some beautiful photos!!
I have only made it through half, and really look forward to the other half!!
Thanks for the ride report.
It inspirs me alot for those hard to ride conditions, including gravel road, cold weather, wet wheather, and ... and ....etc... with FZ6
Just great...
I liked every piece of your photos and report.
Thank you very much for sharing!

You barely passed through my neck of the woods. Arkansas has some pretty nice roads in the northwestern part of the state. I'm sure the part you rode through was pretty boring.

As said before, EPIC thread! I will take a trip like that some day.