Burn after Reading

My wife actually pulled me into seeing that movie. We thought the storyline was brilliant with some subtle comedy. Overall, we enjoyed it. But it's something you would only want to watch once.
My wife actually pulled me into seeing that movie. We thought the storyline was brilliant with some subtle comedy. Overall, we enjoyed it. But it's something you would only want to watch once.

so in other words it's... burn after watching?

haha... i slay me
That movie sucked. The first half is a light-hearted comedy based on an amusing premise of mistaken assumptions. The second half is a uber-violent spy thriller. The way they are mashed together was about as artful as Frankenstein's monster. It's like they started the movie based on a funny situation, couldn't think of a way to wrap it all up consistently, so they threw in some gratuitious violence to kill off the key players, and called it a day. Very amateurish. Thankfully I only invested one Netflix rental in it.
I don't think that the movie was necessarily bad. Wasn't great, however enjoyable in some parts. I think that the movie was overhyped and that they showed the best bit on the commercials/previews.

However, I will admit, and I'll try not to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but the incident with Brad Pitt near the end was a surprise. :eek: