bull ****

I keep a little note on my iPhone with all my passwords in it. Except it if anyone read it, they would not understand it. So it might say eBay and then after that it says my password for that site, but I put the first letter then some stars. The first letter is enough to jog my memory for which of the 5 or so passwords I use across all websites.

When I change my password I just update the file. Easy
You know what really throws off hackers or nosey people is simply using the word "password" for your password. Returning to Maxigag---maybe a lawsuit is in order here?
You know what really throws off hackers or nosey people is simply using the word "password" for your password. Returning to Maxigag---maybe a lawsuit is in order here?

I think Maxigag is really Dennis messing with our heads! :rof::rof: :BLAA: