Breaking News.....


Resident Rumologist
Elite Member
Sep 10, 2008
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Ipswich , Australia (+10 GMT)
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Just being reported in Oz that there has been a massive earthquake in LA :eek: :( , gee i hope all our forum members are OK... Check in with us peoples... Hope the damage is minimal & everybody is safe...
Looks like they avoided major damage. It was centered about 110 miles south of there in Mexico. I'm sure it rattled some china cabinets though.

Hope that all is well with our west coast members! Thanks Daniel!
Just checked it out on CNN.. Thankfully it seems like no serious damage was done! Hope everyone's ok. Anyone from southern California that can give us a sit rep?
Anyone from southern California that can give us a sit rep?

Nothing serious where I am at. We had some shaking for probably 15-20 seconds (hard to estimate). Usually there's just time to think "Was that an earthquake?" but this time I had time to hit the ground and think "Wow it's still going". I heard some glass break at my neighbor's... probably a glass sliding off their patio table.

Anyone else have any news?
Just checked it out on CNN.. Thankfully it seems like no serious damage was done! Hope everyone's ok. Anyone from southern California that can give us a sit rep?
I thought I just did:BLAA:
I can't talk for everyone else but it wasn't all that bad, nothing fell over, the dogs hardly noticed and the electricity stayed on:D

I'm about 15-20 min away from downtown LA, nothing really happened over here. Didn't even notice it at all while cleaning the garage until my brother walked over and told me about it. Everything seems ok, no helicopters in the sky or emergency vehicles running all over the place with full sirens and lights.:cool:
Yeah we were in our friends yard surfin the turf Haha! We were up on a hill and you could look 200 feet below us on the 15 frwy and watch everything zig zagging. We could feel things moving for about a minute on the hill. A family member said to me, My legs still feel funny and I told her it was because everything was still moving although you couldn't sense it in relationship to other things I could feel us change elevation ever so slightly up and down.
Yeah we were in our friends yard surfin the turf Haha! We were up on a hill and you could look 200 feet below us on the 15 frwy and watch everything zig zagging. We could feel things moving for about a minute on the hill. A family member said to me, My legs still feel funny and I told her it was because everything was still moving although you couldn't sense it in relationship to other things I could feel us change elevation ever so slightly up and down.
Yea, you guys are the ones we should be worrying about, your a lot closer to the epicenter than we are. Hope all you close to the border are OK.

Yea, you guys are the ones we should be worrying about, your a lot closer to the epicenter than we are. Hope all you close to the border are OK.


We went to a grocery store in LaJolla afterward and the clerk told me she was upstairs on break and when she ran down there were a few things toppled off the shelves but nothing serious.
I was at home and the time it happened.
First time, I thought that "What t.. f... Earthquake without Sound....??"
Turned on the TV... it was far south from LA over 100 miles away.
But still felt good wave for 10-20 seconds......(6.9 was but changed to 7.2)
Hope no more following quakes...
I was trying to make my down pipes shiny, then the shaking and then the carport started swaying. The bike was on the center stand and it wobbled. :O I jumped up and got out from under the car port. Freaky.
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I’m fine, I survived the quake.
Here is a video of myself during the earthquake:

[ame=]YouTube - Lukas chasing me this Sunday afternoon with his Miata up the Saddle Peak Road[/ame]

(I’m not kidding, that's exactly then :thumbup:)
I’m fine, I survived the quake.
Here is a video of myself during the earthquake:

(I’m not kidding, that's exactly then :thumbup:)

Cool Video! Thanks!

When are you coming down for a ride with us? :BLAA:

I was worried about friends that were on a ride on Sunday. (I didn't go) It was strong enough that I thought it could cause a problem in a turn at speeds that they do in the desert.

We were on a hill and as I was looking down 200 feet toward the 15 fwy through a fence you could really get a visual of how much everything was moving. It was like the earth turned to rubber! :eek: :D
Good to see everyone looking out for eachother here. Seems like there have been a lot of earth quakes going around. Haiti, Chili, and this one... HMMMm :eek:

I was in an earth quake a few years back when I was up in Washington State. It is a strange feeling when the ground starts moving. It took a couple of days for the ground to feel 'stable' again.