BRC Done!


Junior Member
Elite Member
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Highland, CA
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Yeah! I finished the Basic Riders Course. Scored a perfect score on written and riding skills tests...having said that I thought it would be harder. Not complaining, but a little concerned at the ease for someone to get a M1 license. One of the participants in the class was a squid :squid:in every sense of the word and another was extremely dangerous to themself and anyone on the sidewalks near them! And they both passed:jawdrop:(barely, but still passed)!
Good Job! Now get out there and enjoy yourself!
Any special places you like to ride?
Yeah! I finished the Basic Riders Course. Scored a perfect score on written and riding skills tests...having said that I thought it would be harder. Not complaining, but a little concerned at the ease for someone to get a M1 license. One of the participants in the class was a squid :squid:in every sense of the word and another was extremely dangerous to themself and anyone on the sidewalks near them! And they both passed:jawdrop:(barely, but still passed)!

Congrats on passing:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: now if your in the La area you should come to ride night

Definitely agreed on the course being a little too easy. When I took the class we had a couple of squiddly riders, we even had a guy lay down the bike on his final riding skills exam:spank:. The bike slid into the instructor luckily no one got hurt:rockon:. They ended up having him redo just the riding test. I definitely felt he should go through all the riding skills practice again and not just retake the test but that's just my 2 cent.
a little concerned at the ease for someone to get a M1 license. One of the participants in the class was a squid :squid:in every sense of the word and another was extremely dangerous to themself and anyone on the sidewalks near them! And they both passed:jawdrop:(barely, but still passed)!

Well, considering quite a few people ride motorcycles without a license or any real experience, I'm glad these guys at least took the class. That way the knowledge is at least in their heads, and they can at least feel like idiots when they die because they rode like an idiot.

I wonder how many people ride brand new motorcycles off the lot without a license? I'm sure it's a frighteningly high percentage...
Congrats on both 100% scores. Just remember, we just teach you the basic fundamentals on how to operate a motorcycle in a controlled enviroment. You still need to practice, practice, practice. Preferably in a parking lot. If you decide to go tackle traffic. Find an expereinced rider to tag along with. You will learn firsthand on the things you shoud do and not to do. We can't teach you everything in two and half days.

It's a different story out there on the road away from the controlled environment. Now you have to look out for all the other drivers that are on the phone, texting, eating, reading, shaving, putting on makeup, and just not paying attention. Not to mention all the other road hazards that don't have blood pumping through there veins.

Practice can not be stressed enough. it will make a world of difference in your experience.

Good luck.