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Aug 26, 2015
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My brake light has been constantly on for a few days now. I know the normal solution is to replace the front or rear brake light switch. However, I tried disconnecting one switch at a time and the brake light still remains on. I also tried disconnecting both at the same time, and the brake light is still on. What could be the problem, and how can I solve it?

P.S. Thanks to all those who assisted me with my grabby clutch post a few months ago. The only decent solution for that for now is to be a little slower out from a dead stop and to pull in the lever much less than all the way in every time I shift.
Are you certain its not the running light on and the brake lights are NOT working? (the running light is pretty bright)

With BOTH brake switches disconnected /unplugged, the likely hood of the brake remaining on is virtually nill...

The rear brake has a separate ADJUSTABLE SWITCH (with spring). The front brake light switch is a simple in/out switch the lever contacts..
I'm pretty sure it's the brake light on. My buddy who was riding behind me this past weekend first said my brake light wasn't going on, but that was near 1pm when the sun was brightest. When we left our destination closer to sunset he was thinking that perhaps the brake light is stuck on. Bringing the bike back to the garage and testing out various things it looks to me like the brake light is on. It's very very bright and I remember the running light being more dim. One thing I haven't yet tried but is obviously very simple is to replace the rear bulb in case the brake light filament is out. But I haven't done that yet because I'm nearly 100% sure the brake light is on, not the running light. I most definitely could be incorrect, however. I'll try it this weekend with the spare bulb I have. I'll snap a few photos as well to post on here and that may help illuminate what the problem is.

P.S. For those who don't know, I ride an 04 FZ6. And thanks for the replies to my post.
Take a close look at the filament in the bulb. I've seen them fail in a manner that you've described with the brake filament shorting with the running lamp filament or vice versa. With both switches disconnected it's a short somewhere and the bulb is where I'd start.
Take a close look at the filament in the bulb. I've seen them fail in a manner that you've described with the brake filament shorting with the running lamp filament or vice versa. With both switches disconnected it's a short somewhere and the bulb is where I'd start.

same same I have seen the filament short andhit the other =one ina dual filament lamp. Its a sure fire way to see if it se actual brake light to. Pop the seat andnthe lamp is easily accessible.

I had a sticky clutch switch a few years back, just meant I couldnt start with the clutch in when in gear( if I stalled it at the lights it was a monster PITA) anyway a quick squirt of wd40 did the trick, might be worth considering on the front brake lever switch, also worth checking that the little actauting button is sitting in the depression as it is supposed to( sorry only 1 pic but the leverand brake switch is just visible with the purple arrow)
brakelight  lever actuator.jpg
After checking the bulb (and Yamaha makes a specific bulb with THREE TOWERS, NOT TWO to support the filament) simply unplug the bulb from the socket.

With a 12 volt test light (pointy probe), ground the probe to the frame, turn on the ignition and check both bulb socket terminals. Only one will be lit for running lights, hit the brakes, the other terminal should light up. That would be normal operation...

If both terminals are hot WITHOUT touching the brakes, you have an issue with a switch (mis-adjusted), failed, wiring or other issue.

I would strongly suggest purchasing the Yamaha bulb, it is SLIGHTLY BRIGHTER(I compared on my old FJR with the two tail light bulbs, side by side) and way less likely to fail. BTW, its not much more (surprisingly) than one off the shelf at the automotive store...
Sorry for the delayed response, I know it's been about a week since I last posted letting y'all know I'd try looking at the bulb. Yes, I found the culprit, it was indeed the filament in the bulb as some have suggested. Here's a photo showing what happened. The filament from the running light had disconnected and was touching the brake light filament, completing the circuit and keeping the brake light on. A change of the bulb solved the problem. Occam's razor I suppose.

That's my cat there in the background, pining away to be let outside.
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You might consider the Yamaha bulb with the THREE posts, its the ONLY light you have back there...

Thanks for the update..

The Yamaha OEM bulb with THREE posts;

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