Bought a 2004 FZ6 w/ mods - Gets HORRIBLE gas milage


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Jun 23, 2009
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Hello everyone, I have a 2005 FZ6 I purchased used. (Sorry, put wrong year in the title)

The former owner did the following mods:
-Front Sprocket 16 --> 15 tooth
-Rear Sprocket 46 --> 48 tooth
-Scorpion Exhaust
-Power Commander III USB (Using M410-002 Scorpion Exhaust Fuel curve)

And I've noticed that it gets pretty crappy gas mileage.

(The previous owner did give me the original sprockets so I can put them back on... he didn't have the original exhaust though.)

What's the best way to up the MPG on this setup? I'm guessing I should lean out the fuel curve on the PCIII? Should I just zero out the lower RPM settings around highway cruising speed?

I'm half tempted to buy a stock exhaust on Ebay and return the bike to completely stock...
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If you don't have access to a shop that can properly tune a PC then you will get poor mpg's with it. Why not take the PC off and run the stock ECU? My stock bike with Scorpion exhaust runs great and I get 48-52 mpg commuting or riding in the mountains.
As folks have previously stated plus:
The 05 may be under TPS recall. One of the symptoms was poor gas mileage but as mentioned, if your using a PClll with no tuning you might load the "0" map. Disconnect the battery for a half hour so the volatile memory in the ECU gets dumped.
What is your gas mileage? How many miles on the motor? When was last valve adjustment?
As folks have previously stated plus:
The 05 may be under TPS recall. One of the symptoms was poor gas mileage but as mentioned, if your using a PClll with no tuning you might load the "0" map. Disconnect the battery for a half hour so the volatile memory in the ECU gets dumped.
What is your gas mileage? How many miles on the motor? When was last valve adjustment?

I'm sorry, I don't have any hard numbers for gas mileage numbers, I guess I noticed it when I was doing a 7 hour ride with some friends from NY to Vermont and my bike drank more gas than my friend's liter bike.... If I had to guesstimate, I'd say it's around 30 mpg currently.

The bike itself has all of 6,000 miles on it. No clue when the last valve adjustment was.

I think I'll start off by loading the "0" map on the PCIII and see how that works out.

Is it worth it to replace the sprockets to the stock ones or do those make little difference in MPG compared to other things?

Thank you all for your replies :D
I'm sorry, I don't have any hard numbers for gas mileage numbers, I guess I noticed it when I was doing a 7 hour ride with some friends from NY to Vermont and my bike drank more gas than my friend's liter bike.... If I had to guesstimate, I'd say it's around 30 mpg currently.

The bike itself has all of 6,000 miles on it. No clue when the last valve adjustment was.

I think I'll start off by loading the "0" map on the PCIII and see how that works out.

Is it worth it to replace the sprockets to the stock ones or do those make little difference in MPG compared to other things?

Thank you all for your replies :D

Yes 6K is low miles!
If you're filling up more than liter bikes then I would guess you're getting pretty bad mileage. Also with the sprocket change comes more problems with speed and mileage (odo.) accuracy as well as fuel efficiency.
I would bet you big money that the PCIII has more to do with this than the sprockets.
The former owner did the following mods:
-Front Sprocket 16 --> 15 tooth
-Rear Sprocket 46 --> 48 tooth

46/16 = 2.875 ratio
48/15 = 3.2

Change of 0.325 => doubt thats gonna make a huge change unless you spend all your time cruising long distances. Meaning, riding style could easily have a greater impact than the gear ratio.

With that: i'd bet your fuel curve is where you should spend your time.

Edit: I need to look up the rest of the numbers but lest say you cruise in 6th, even if it dropped your cruise RPM by 500 RPM I doub't you'll get from 30mpg to 50mpg.
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Hard to tell what's wrong, if there is anything wrong, until you post some figures.

Changing gearing, riding hard etc are all reasons why you could be using more petrol than you should.

I went down -1 on the front and added a PCIII. I also take off on the bike harder than I used to, due to my nice sprocket on the front ;)

I obviously use a little more fuel than I used to.

Show us your figures :)