BONEMANFZ6.COM is now live on the Web!

Beautiful work, Boneman :) My bedtime was delayed by a good bit so I could scope it out. I'm going to have to come back when I have more time to read it all.

:thumbup:Thanks for the sight, after a few years of riding OEM I am ready for some mods. The information and pictures on your site are really going to be a big help. Thank you.
Site looks REALLY nice dude! Much more professional looking than mine lol. :D It would be a nice addition if you added previous and next buttons to the larger image view on the gallery to flick through them...
Must be that then.

I've been reading mixed reviews on the Nautilus, mostly about the longevity of the horn. Is it really the thing to get?

If you want LOUD, than yes. There are other loud horns available out there other than the Stebel Nautilus. FIAMM makes the Highway blaster which is also another great horn.

I've had my Stebel for a few years now with zero issues. Might help that I have it tucked away inside my left front faring.
Just checking out your site, AGAIN!

Every time I go back I find something new that I missed the first time around. I already said thank you once, but, I think it bears repeating...

THANK YOU for the site!