Blood Mountain May 27 (Sunday, Memorial Day Weekend)


Just a dude with an FZ6
May 4, 2011
Reaction score
Lawrenceville Ga
Anyone interested? Had a great time last time we went, may stay a bit longer this time. I'd like to get up there early (around 9 or so), but I can meet anyone at anytime either around blood mountain or on the way so don't feel like you have to get up too early.

The only thing right now that's up in the air for me is a possible trip to Six Flags. We have some friends that invited us to go Memorial weekend. Not positive on the day, but I'm 95% sure it's gonna be Saturday (will know for sure by Wed.). This will be the first time my 8 year old goes, so we're really looking forward to it.
id love to go, and yeah the earlier the better as far as im concearned. I actually rode up there yesterday, it was kind of just a spur of the moment thing, i was sitting around the house a little before 11 and figured id go for a ride, well about a 20min into the ride i figured id head on up there. I ended up getting up there a little after 12, thats the latest ive ever gotten up there. I didnt really think anything of it but i stoped at turners before heading up the mountain and talked to some guys for a bit and they asked me if i was just getting up here, i said yeah why? they said that there were quite a few cops out this time of day and said just be careful. of all the times ive been up there ive always saw at least one, but ive never seen that many cops out, county and GSP. luckily everyone was warning others before you would get to them. But as i started to make my way back towards Dahlonega i saw a bunch of people on bikes as well as cars signing that there were cops ahead but pretty much also trying to tell me to turn around but at this point i was getting tired and just ready to head back home so i was taking it easy and i kept going. Well they were trying to tell me that there was a road block. There was 4 GSP and 2 Lumpkin County cars there, they were stoping everyone to visualy check for license, but every bike that came through they ran the license and the tag through their computer and did a visual check of the bike as well.

in other words i think if we are up there earlier we might be able to avoid that kind of aggervation.
I think so as well. We didn't really see any until after 12 or so. I'm gonna plan on leaving my house around 7-7:30, that should have me up there by 9 if not earlier. Meet you at Riders Hill or Turners?
I'm gonna have to be a maybe for now. Not sure yet what my weekend plans are. There's a chance I'll be camping up that way, though so if that happens I'll almost definitely ride.
I'm a maybe. Supposed to go visit the gf down south. But if not I'd love to ride up there. I might be up that way Monday either way for the day off...but probably on the lake rather than the bike haha
Hope to see y'all there. I am pretty much a definite being as my Six Flags trip has been confirmed for Saturday. I'll be at Riders Hill by 9 AM.

Hey Blake, you ready to buy that Aprilia yet?
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I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it or not...

After beating the hell out of my chain Sunday, which by the way is the stock chain w/29,500 miles on it and then riding through a monsoon Monday, it is really about to kick the bucket. I have a nasty tight spot on it where I feel a vibration that comes and goes. At slow speed I feel it kind of like your phone vibrating like, mmmMMMMmmm---------mmmMMMMmmm-----------mmmMMMMmmm

I loosened it up just a bit and soaked it in some kroil to try and free up that tight spot to see if I can make it another week or so. If it feels alright tomorrow on my way to work I will probably go but if it didn't help any I'm gonna park it until I get a chain and sprockets.
Well, that's too bad but I understand. If you need one, I bought a chain breaker kit from Cycle Gear a few weeks ago. No idea when I'll need it, but I figured I will at some point and it was on sale.

I'm gonna go either way so don't feel obligated, it would really suck if you broke a chain on 129. Not sure you could coast back home from there :) We'd have to tie a rope form your bike to mine so I could pull you.
Lol yeah I bought the same one, it was a great deal and couldn't pass it up!!!

I wouldn't be too worried about it normally but it was a getting pretty worn but other wise fine until I beat on it, but if it got that bad that quick thats what worries me about it.
Anyone going tomorrow? My rear tire is worn, and my wife is freaked out by it. If no one else is going I'm gonna wait until maybe the next Sunday. I have another tire ordered, should have it put on by next Friday.

If someone else is planning on riding, I'll still meet you up there (the tire isn't that bad), but if not I won't go either. I'll check back here tomorrow morning around 7:00 to see.