Blood Donation


Senior Member
Dec 7, 2007
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Eastbourne UK
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I am a blood donor and have just given my 28th pint this evening and was wondering how many of you guys are donors?

I'd like to but I can't right now. Too many travels to yucky places in the world for Uncle Sugar.
I used to donate while in the Army. I donated 18 pints while there. Then I didn't donate for many years. I started donating once again 25 pints ago with the Red Cross drives. Thus my 3 gallon pin from them! I'm looking for a drive now as I'm overdue!

Kudos to those of you that do! You're eligible every 56 days. That is 6 pints a year.
I alway try and always get turned away. Used to be cause I didn't weigh enough, now it's because I travel to malaria-infested places. Actually planning to go this week.
I alway try and always get turned away. Used to be cause I didn't weigh enough, now it's because I travel to malaria-infested places. Actually planning to go this week.

I can appreciate them wanting to be careful, but why can't modern medicine simply test the blood and discard it if found unusable?

A+ for trying though!!
I donate every 8 weeks. My employer has the blood people come to a conference room every 8 weeks. Except for the finger prick, it is not that bad.
I can't. It's strange since I develop medical devices for vascular use. I watch all kinds of surgeries on animals and humans, all involving lots of veins and blood. But when it comes to my own veins, I just don't have the stomach.

I applaud all of you who can give!
umm....I think I donated once a LONGGGGG time ago. Aren't O types rare? or is it just O-?
umm....I think I donated once a LONGGGGG time ago. Aren't O types rare? or is it just O-?

O- is the most universal blood. O+ is the most common type. AB- is the most rare I believe...

Was it a bad experience? Would you donate again?
O- is the most universal blood. O+ is the most common type. AB- is the most rare I believe...

Was it a bad experience? Would you donate again?

Not a bad experience. I don't know if I would donate again.....I would have to drive 60 miles one way..( me selfish). :D
I've not given recently (last 5 years) but i've got the tie pin, badge, umbrella and t-shirt to show for my many years of donating. When I was in the Air force (RAF) a bus used to come along regularly. When I lived in Leiden I used to go along the Hospital on my way back from work. Unfortunately since I moved to Alkmaar (aprox 5 years ago) I haven't even enquired where you can give blood around these parts :eek:
Thanks for reminding me to look into it Numpty :thumbup:
I've donated thousands of times! That was said under the assumption that being stung by mosquitoes counts ;-p
Would like to but they won't take... Momma gives..

To answer the following: "I can appreciate them wanting to be careful, but why can't modern medicine simply test the blood and discard it if found unusable?" try this. Over time they have developed risk assessments which give them indicators of the blood that either will or won't make it hence the reasons for pre-screening and by law blood (fresh) can only be stored so long for use in humans. I am an example of this as they have said no way for almost 40 years now; temperature too cold.
Would like to but they won't take... Momma gives..

To answer the following: "I can appreciate them wanting to be careful, but why can't modern medicine simply test the blood and discard it if found unusable?" try this. Over time they have developed risk assessments which give them indicators of the blood that either will or won't make it hence the reasons for pre-screening and by law blood (fresh) can only be stored so long for use in humans. I am an example of this as they have said no way for almost 40 years now; temperature too cold.
Charlie is correct here,
Your donated units are useable as whole red blood cells (the stuff we need in trauma) for only three weeks. So when peole get all patriotic at the start of conflicts or as a result of public information notices the donated blood is of limited value.
Those of you who donate like clock work are the one's who keep the service going. I donate at work when they come around. The othe blood components that are also used like plasma and Albumin have a longer shelf life.
Point of interest, Any one visiting the UK next week might want to steer clear of Numptys blood as it will be made up of 4 parts Guinness and 1 part blood.