bike stolen today!!!

that sucks man... how was the shop secured? it is hard to believe that our underdog of a bike is a target with so many other, highly advertised bikes are out there...
i live in the sticks most ppl dont even know were i live or how to find the road in the bike was in my shop with keys in it i know this sounds dumb
but if im home i dont lock stuff up personaly i think it was someone that knows me do to my dog didnt bark and no one at the end of the main road seen a thing out of the ordinary i am literally heart broke i want my bike back lol
was supposed to go on a big ride Saturday now im going to be left behind
insurance says thay will cover what the bike is worth not what i owe witch sucks allso it will take up to a year for a pay out is what the #$@^ said
it will take up to a year for a pay out is what the #$@^ said

Only if you let them drag it out that long, as soon as you file the police report that it is stolen and you are "Cleared" of suspicion then they have no reason to hold the pay out. Fight for what you owe, and as all insurance claims, NEVER accept the first offer unless you are truly happy with it.
Only if you let them drag it out that long, as soon as you file the police report that it is stolen and you are "Cleared" of suspicion then they have no reason to hold the pay out. Fight for what you owe, and as all insurance claims, NEVER accept the first offer unless you are truly happy with it.

+1 on declining the first offer, insurance companies try and get you to take the lowest offer to save money.

Good luck, that really sucks i would recommend doing some leg work your self and starting looking at used FZ6's in the area and what they are selling for. You will more than likely have to fight with the insurance company about the payout.
Both the theft and the pathetic response time of the insurance really suck. :/ Who do you have for insurance? I've had pretty bad service with Farmer's before, but nothing as bad as what you're talking about. I'd say it's time to start looking for another provider... State Farm has been good.
You are lucky....
Here if you leave your keys in the vehicle then generally your insurance is void.
Infact I'm pretty sure the law is that you can't leave the keys in your vehicle if your more than 2 metres away from it (or something like that).

Insurance company will always try and rip you off, but I'd be careful and probably not mention the whole keys in the ignition thing.

I always keep my bike locked up, preferably with a chain and disc lock, its most at risk at home and at work since people will know where its left, and be able to figure out how its protected (if it is) and find a way around it.
That sucks! Some people are idiots! They must have been pretty bold though, assuming they knew you, and knew you were home and that you have a dog. I wonder if they rode it out, or if they loaded it on a truck or trailer?

Anyways, I hope your insurance backs you properly on this. We pay a pretty steep premium to insure our bikes compared to other 'recreational vehicles' and it would be a shame if they stick it to you.

Keep us updated!
google gap insurance for future bikes in case you can't take the hit between what the insurance company is likely to pay out. I don't have it because I can afford the difference but I know people who have it on their cars and bikes.
Ugh :( sorry to hear that, man. this really sucks - i just went through dealing with insurance on theft too. I don't want to give you hopes, YMMV, but here is my experience (Flo is taking care of me):

1) It took 30 days to settle (they waited for the first 2 weeks to declare it a full loss in case if it is found. The adjuster was hoping to settle it within a week, but they had to re-run the numbers on the value for some reason

2) The payment exceeded my expectations. Maybe it was stupid of me, but i did accept their first offer. They valued my bike at about $500 below the market price of the current year model (the one that got stolen was 2008). Got all accessories and mods covered too. I did spend about 3 hours digging up old receipts (mostly online, so emails)

I know the hindsight is 20/20, but now the first mod i got is an alarm.

Once again, this is my experience, YMMV, but i hope it doesn't by much
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FWIW....I don't understand what the big deal is to leave your key in your ignition if it's inside, like your garage or shop. I'm sure the majority of us does it. If it's outside, thats a different story.

Anyway you might want to post your most recent picture of your bike here on this forum. In addition, list any mods that the perp might try to pawn off on craigs list or e-bay as one of us forum members might become suspicious. Especially if the seller is from or near your geographical area.

Make sure you get reimbursed for any aftermarket parts that were added onto your bike. I've heard nothing but great reviews about State Farm, not just on this forum, but others as well. The ease of filing a claim, getting a great value with full reimbursement for mods and gear, and quick. That is why I continue to stick with State Farm. I am curious how your claim pans out.

Sorry to hear about the bike.
Yep, sorry about your loss. And, yes, keep us all posted on the insurance issues and what insurance company it is and I'll support you by avoiding that company.

I leave keys in bikes while locked in the garage also. If the garage is locked, then the bike is locked in my opinion.

I've got 2 big German Shepherds that watch over my toys. So far, knock on wood, no problems. But, nothing I hate worse than a thief! Except maybe insurance companies and banks :).

Good luck, bro!
Bike found

BIKE found the two that stole it wrecked it and are now in jail
here are some pix almost makes me want to cry cuse i have never even laid the bike down or even scratched it