Bike died on me today, battery?


Junior Member
Jan 15, 2009
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ARGH!! I spent all day yesterday installing new fork springs/oil, but the rain put off my ride till today (I'll post an installation post later).
5 miles from home, the check engine light comes on when I pull over to wipe my visor. It goes away after a few seconds, I pull away (engine has been on during the stop) then the bike starts to stutter as I'm traveling 10-12 mph, I pull the clutch and it dies. I pull over and it won't start and the dash goes blank! Totally dead. The clock comes back on a few minutes later, but as I turn the key, it fades out. I ultimately had to have a tow truck take me home (progressive insurance roadside assistance is awesome by the way).
Once I got home, the bike started but then quickly sputtered and died, the dash again fading off. I assume my original battery just quit. Odd though since it was just fine until today and during the winter I had it on a trickle charger.
Any ideas before I go through the wonderful task of removing the battery?

Here is a photo of the scary ride home in the tow truck. They did not have a flat bed available and after waiting 90 minutes I did not want to wait longer. The bike seems ok after the "ride."

Update: it was still dead in the garage, then I checked later and the clock was on, it started but ran I bit rough, then smoothed out. WTF!?!

I put it on the charger, but I'm guessing that there is a loose connection at the battery. After it is charged, I'll pull and have it tested. When it was "dead" it was totally dead, no clicking or anything.
Noticed your bike is an '06, is it still the original battery?

If it is, might be time for a new one anyways.
Yup, original battery. I did a search here and it seems some batteries last longer, some less. I think that since i no longer ride year round, my battery life may be less.
Start with the standard checks.
1-) Connections.
2-) Get the battery charged and load tested.

If the battery is good then you have to start the other elimination processes of why the system is not charging. They are usually the rectifier/regulator or stator.

Please keep us informed how you're making out on this.

Good hunting!
Man, What a sad way to see an FZ.... :(
Please do not enter this in the Bike of the Month........

I hope you get it sorted out. Keep us in the loop.
My 06 is still on the original batery. I have had no problems

Freaking Hilarious! Nice! LMAO
I'd really have to wonder about the connection between the battery and the harness. It's likely the battery is near the end of it's useful life; if the charging system couldn't replenish it that will accelerate it's demise. A load test will probably show the battery is done or very nearly done. Swap it out.

When you do so, make sure the contacts are clean, and solidly connected. Chemtool makes a battery terminal corrosion prevention spray.... cheap insurance against further issues.

If you have more than one item beyond the charger harness installed on the posts with the OEM harness, it's a good idea to put a 'bus' connection on and move all of that elsewhere.
Ok good news. Today I went to pull the battery and found that negative terminal totally loose. The tank bolts were also loose, I can only imagine that vibration shook them loose. I took the battery to my local auto parts store and it checked out at 12.6 V Yay!

Lesson learned, I immediately added the required tools to my bikes tool kit so I can do this on the road in case this happens again. And I'll be sure everything is nice and tight!

Thanks for the help guys.