bike backed into


Junior Member
Apr 20, 2011
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Rockland, MA
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Came out at break and saw this
[/URL][/IMG] :spank::spank:

so far broken mirror, brake lever scratched, looks like the bar end took most of the hit, side of the bike is scratched as well, I think my cover helped somewhat. Feels like I was kicked in the junk when I saw it. Any advice, I found a insurance card on my cover but no guarantee that this was the person that did it.
Damn man!

I hate seeing stuff like this; the least they could have done was leave a note (Maybe attempt to pick the bike back up...that's a toughie though).

Probably worth checking into the insurance information that was left.

Sorry to hear and best of luck!
That's terrible! Hopefully the card does belong to the person who knocked it over (whose else would it be?)

Good luck!
Wow insurance card on it? I mean its silly to back into it, but at least they (potentially) took responsibility.

When my wife's new scooter was backed into 2 hours after parking on the street (its bright freaking red), there was none of that :).

When my neighbor's bike was knocked over and kinda dragged, he got a 'Oh, come on its only a motorcycle' response...


So all in all...

Good luck!!
that is awful! I echo what erci said, I think that card probably does belong to the person. good luck with everyone!
advice for the broken mirror... if it is the metal "stalk" that broke, get some J.B. WELD (around $5 at a hardware store) then apply to the broken mirror stalk, stick the peices back together and rig something to hold it together for a good amount of time. (electrical tape worked for me, not on the "glue" but around the entire mirror assembly to hold it together.)
Hope this helps, and best of luck to you
Ouch! Hope it's resolved easily for you.

I've been in the dilemma once or twice with having to parallel park and decided to just park in line with the curb instead of 90* to the curb like you did with the thinking that if someone hits me in the tire the bike stands at least a 50/50 chance of not going down.

EDIT: who's the D-bag that parked in the spot where the car that hit you had been? Or maybe that is the person that hit you?!
I'm hoping that card will lead me somewhere, I called my insurance co and send them all the info, thanks for the tip on the mirror, metal piece is fine, plastic around it broke into 17 pieces or so. Still gotta ride it home tonight after work (25 miles) hope 1 mirror will be enough. I let the bike sit for couple of hours before starting it, some gas spilled near it from the overflow tube. It did start few minutes ago and seems to be running fine, didn't ride it yet and Im hoping the steering isn't messed up ( new fz1 bar couple months ago)
How awful! Your picture hit me in the pit of my stomach - I can only imagine how much worse reality felt for you. Accidents always suck, but you and your bike will get through this together I am sure. So sorry it happened.
Any chance of security cameras from nearby businesses?

Now you know why you see so many bikes parked on the sidewalks. That's a hit n run by the way.
Re: bike backed into :(

That seriously BLOWS! Sorry!
I hope the card left holds info which eases some of your suffering.
That's one of my worst fears! Its one thing if I do the damage, but another if someone else does it, let alone not making an effort to contact you. I hope you get it sorted out:thumbup:
When I park in those spots I tend to put the bike on an angle (think 45') so that if it is to get hit they will just get one part of it. Also depending on the incline or how people are parked might want to think about head first so that it gets pushed back into the side stand. Usually if the bike is in front they will see it but if behind a car/truck it might be harder for them to see so a little tape can cause it to fall like that. Really sorry it happened but that is why I now pay big bucks for a garage spot where I live as I don't trust cagers anymore.
This is why I avoid open streets like the plague, and I always stay away from other cars as best as possible. I have such a huge fear of the bike being knocked over or bumped.

My brother's brand new Versys 650 (only 1600km on it) got knocked over right infront of his house. The good news is, his car was next to it so it only got a scratched bar-end from where it landed on the car. Bad news is, shattered the rear windshield of his car and dented the hatch-back door. $1400 to repair the dent and replace the windshield. Neighbour nearby had a chopper which got knocked over the same night. Some kids looking for trouble I suppose.

I hate hearing about this kind of thing. I used to always think the center stand was a little better than the sidestand because it was more stable being hit in both directions, but it'll still get knocked over from someone intentionally vandalizing it, or ignorant drivers.

Hopefully it all works out for you with that insurance, sorry to hear about it!!
thanks guys, I rode it home and the steering is def off, hoping that it's only my fz1 bar that is bent but def can see it with naked eye. Getting some strange noises coming from the front then cornering. Brake pedal was bent in. Any chance that fuel/oil might of got somewhere where it doesn't belong?
Fuel no chance there other than the ground as you mentioned earlier. Oil however can be very damaging if it leaks past the oil rings into the combustion chamber. Oil does not compress, during those initial cranks, it can bend rods and break pistons.
Did it smoke a bunch when you started it? Blue Smoke... ... ... That would be the indicator oil made it past the rings.

Why do you ask?