Best Three-day weekend

Monica A

Junior Member
Feb 1, 2012
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Reno, NV
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It was Labor Day weekend in the US this weekend. No work Monday!! YES!!

I got a lot of work done around the house, but I got to get out and ride too. I am hosting a Bridal Shower for 30+ women at my house in two weeks. Our daughter is getting married in October. Lots of yard work which has been neglected due to priorities (riding comes first) and house work. (Cleaning up after 2 labs and 2 cats).

Saturday, we headed out to our local Triumph dealer. The first Saturday of the month they host a free BBQ. We headed down for some food and good riding conversation.

Sunday, we headed out for a nice long ride. We headed West on I-80 to Truckee. We took highway 89 North which turns into Highway 49. Lunch in Nevada City, California, then home via highway 20 and I-80. We got to see a lot of the Burners returning to where ever they crawled out of and into the dessert from. Burning Man is a counter-culture festival that is a week long where people go out into the Black Rock Dessert. There is absolutely nothing there. No water, no power, no nothing. It is crazy. An entire city is built in a week and then destroyed. (The rumor is lots of drugs are consumed). They drag all kinds of "art" out there and burn a "man" they build in the dessert Saturday night. Pretty much anything goes out there....I have no desire to ever attend. The dessert "sand" is super fine and gets into everything. You can tell a burner vehicle by the white dust sticking to it. Most people take junky old converted buses, RV's, and rental RV's. The ones that make it up the mountain to Reno from the Bay Area have a blast (I guess). Many break down either on the way up or on the way down. Right now I-80 is closed because some burner rolled his old RV trailer all over the highway. Fuel spill the news says. I'm glad I don't have to head that way anytime soon. Google "Burning Man" if you are interested. It supposedly brings millions of dollars in the region. A ticket to attend starts around $600.
Our son came along. He crashed last year on this route. I lectured him several times "son, if the sign says 15 mph, go 15 mph". "yes, mom" he says. He made it so he must have listened to me. We had 2 friends of mine along. One friend has been riding for 2 years so not as experienced so our pace was slower than usual. Poor girl has been riding mostly with H-D friends. "they don't ride right" my friend says. My hubby called it the "estrogen" ride. There were 3 of us gals and only 2 men :cheer: Usually it's me and 6-8 men.

Monday, we just went for a little ride for lunch. It was beautiful out. A little cool, but clear blue skies. Got home in time to bury the mums and get ready to return to work tomorrow morning.
Sounds like a fun time! I know people who have built projects for "Burning Man" After the event they would just stare into space with big dilated pupils and once in a while they would cough and a cloud of that fine dust would be emitted from their mouth and butt.

Good luck on the bridal shower! :)
Glad someone got out and did something fun this weekend! LOL
Me? worked in the yard and tore apart deck steps, but like you said, it's been neglected over the summer.
I've heard about the Burning Man festivities...sounds like a modern day Woodstock, huh?
Tons of Burners going through Nevada City today, easy to spot a vehicle covered in Playa dust. Glad you got out but 80 sucks on a holiday weekend. We did Feather River Canyon Monday to Quincy for lunch and back La Porte Road. The new PR2's on my 990 are well scrubbed in :squid: