best friend gone

yamaha rider87

Junior Member
Jul 22, 2008
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sparks, Nevada
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Hey guys new to the forum and saw this section so I figured I'd share my story. My best friend Andrew S. died on june 20th after surviving six weeks in the hospital with 3rd degree burns over 90% of his body. He loved sportbikes and the motorcycling culture with a passion, and would have in fact gotten his first bike two weeks ago had he not passed away. He was driving recklessly in the early hours of may 10th when he lost control of his car, which rolled and in the process caught fire. He was trapped inside. Thankfully someone had already called the police about him speeding several minutes earlier so emergency services were already in route. He fought with everything he had but in the end his injuries overtook him. I just want everyone out there to remember that we're not bulletproof and it only takes one slip one time to end up dead. The worst part is its not you that would suffer, but your loved ones and friends who are left behind asking why. Please be safe out there and think twice before you make the same mistake he did, because trying to go through life at 21 without your best friend really sucks to say the least. ride safe all
Sorry to hear something like that. I won't go into detail as I like to keep some personal stuff private, but I can understand losing somebody, as I too have lost somebody special. Not sure if you had a chance to visit him in the ICU of the burn center, but if you did, it's was probably best that he continued onto his journey. Very tough to recover from serious burns like that.
Sorry about losing your friend.:(

I too lost a very good friend about 6 weeks ago. He lost a 5 year battle with cancer. He was generous enough to leave me his 07 FZ6 with 4500 miles on clock. Although he is physically gone, he rides with me everyday:thumbup:

Chin up and find a way to remember him everyday.;)
I am so sorry to hear the loss of your friend, what a tragic and terrible way to pass away.

I know that he will live in your heart and he will never leave you.

Be strong.
Hey guys new to the forum and saw this section so I figured I'd share my story. My best friend Andrew S. died on june 20th after surviving six weeks in the hospital with 3rd degree burns over 90% of his body. He loved sportbikes and the motorcycling culture with a passion, and would have in fact gotten his first bike two weeks ago had he not passed away. He was driving recklessly in the early hours of may 10th when he lost control of his car, which rolled and in the process caught fire. He was trapped inside. Thankfully someone had already called the police about him speeding several minutes earlier so emergency services were already in route. He fought with everything he had but in the end his injuries overtook him. I just want everyone out there to remember that we're not bulletproof and it only takes one slip one time to end up dead. The worst part is its not you that would suffer, but your loved ones and friends who are left behind asking why. Please be safe out there and think twice before you make the same mistake he did, because trying to go through life at 21 without your best friend really sucks to say the least. ride safe all
I am very sorry to hear you have lost your buddy. My sincere thoughts to you and his family.

Nelly UK
Thank you for a blunt and thoughtful reminder for us all. I'm sorry that it came with such a high cost for family and friends. Take comfort in knowing you've taken something valuable from this and be content that you've passed it along for all to share. RIP Andrew!
I lost my best friend at about your age to a motorcycle accident. I know what that feels like. It will get better, just hang in there. Keep the good memories, leave the regret and all the rest. -My two cents
Sorry to hear something like that. I won't go into detail as I like to keep some personal stuff private, but I can understand losing somebody, as I too have lost somebody special. Not sure if you had a chance to visit him in the ICU of the burn center, but if you did, it's was probably best that he continued onto his journey. Very tough to recover from serious burns like that.

Yea I did he got careflighted to Sacramento (bout 110 miles from reno) and I saw him every weekend for six weeks, though he never regained consciousness since the crash. The hardest part was I was on my to meet up with him and arrived about 30 seconds before careflight touched down at the accident no matter what I tell myself and everyone else tries to tell me I'll always feel like if I had gotten there faster i might have been able to pull him out in time. The thing I hope everyone takes away from this is survivors guilt is really hard to deal with, and I just hope everyone else is careful out there because you never know when things are gonna go south. I mean if I had asked my friend an hour before his accident if he thought he was gonna roll his car and burn to death he'd have looked at me like I grew a second head. I mean he had four wheels, steel walls, airbags and a seatbelt and still didn't make it, so imagine how easy it is for us on our bikes with nothing more than a some plastic and styrofoam (sp?) separating us from the pavement. please just be safe guys because I can honestly say the hardest thing I've done in this world was watch his mother bury her youngest son, and we are all somone's son, daughter, sibling, friend, lover.....just keep those people in the back of your mind every time your out there and I guarantee you'll ride safer.