Balancing Tires???



I have a gnarly vibration that starts at around 108mph at gets violent at 120mph at 130mph its hard to read the gauge pod. as many probably saw on the post about how to change tires I balanced the tires using the spin method described on the "change tires linky" I've checked everything out nothing seems to be wrong so I'm thinking the tires are way out of balance. has anyone else used that method? I'm pulling the wheels off and taking them to the shop on Friday to have them computer balanced hopefully that's the cause of the vibration. anyone else have this problem?:confused:
I havent had too much experence with bikes but i know that if a car has a tire out of balance it can be a challange to drive at high speeds so getting the tires balanced should be a huge help [2cents]
that's all I'm hoping is the problem but, being pessimistic when it comes to bike woes I keep doing the whole what if its not the tires thing.
Being that its in a speed range it counts out a lot of other moving parts so all i can think of is that eather it is a balancing issue or a slipped belt in the tire if your running radials
better not be tires there brand new (500+ miles now) that would suck if there was a defect!!!!
had the tires balanced at the dealer. I was close but no cigar. the front tire was .25 oz off and the rear was .35oz off . I haven't ridden it since I put the wheels back on but will see if that was the vibration.
the bike is smooth now. a little weight goes a long way!!!:thumbup:
had the tires balanced at the dealer. I was close but no cigar. the front tire truck part was .25 oz off and the rear was .35oz off . I haven't ridden it since I put the wheels back on but will see if that was the vibration.
You know what, I still don't get it how they balance those wheels. I know its purpose, but I don't understand the process itself.. Poor me
I don;t understand your question, do you mean as opposed to car tires? or how balancing all tires works in general?