Back with a ride report....


Distance Rider
Mar 22, 2008
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Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I posted on here.

I will use this thread to report on my recent adventures with my FZ6 in an endurance rally. Some of you know that I've done a few Iron Butt rides on my FZ6 and that I regularly ride 500-1000 mile days on it.

Over the winter, I added a 4-gallon fuel cell to the bike and a custom long-distance riding seat to turn my bike into a true mile-eater. My range has increased to over 400 miles per tank. With the new seat and other goodies, I can ride more than 300 miles in a stretch pretty easily now.

Last week, I ran a competitive long-distance rally. The first time (to my knowledge) one has been done on an FZ6. On the plus side, I finished. On the minus side, my normally bullet-proof FZ6 encountered some serious mechanical issues and I had to limp to the finish line early (causing me to throw away lots of points and finish much closer to the bottom of the pack than I had hoped). Still, it was the smallest bike in the rally, and I did manage to beat out the two 650s that entered in the same class. Including the ride to/from the rally I did more than 2500 miles in four days.

More info/pics soon. I'll start with the prep work and go from there.
Hahaha. Patience grasshoppers. I don't want to ruin the story.

Hints: One is a known issue on the FZ6. The other is something that I've heard happen to other bikes, but not ours.

Neither was catastrophic, but I was lucky I didn't get stuck.....