B.S. Photo Shoot?

When you see pics like these it's hard not to wonder about that life style. The point they make at the end is something to think about as well.

Everyone has a price it's just a question of what that may be. I have seen in the US how some can get away with anything as long as they have the money to throw at it. Those who don't have the money are subject to laws and the punishment that follows as well.
Not to steer this in another direction, but "legalize it!"
Sick of this crap happening, sick of immigration problems, crime, and politics associated with the marijuana trade.
I don't see the big deal in why they don't legalize marijuana and tax it like they do tobacco.

I'm sure this guy made his money from more than just mary-j.
Cool, but I call BS on this claim...

"The money and valuables found in this one house alone, would be enough to pay for health insurance for every man woman and child in the U.S.A. for 12 years!"

There's a lot of money there, but healthcare for a dozen years would cost trillions!
All the money in taxes that we could be putting to work on good things. No to mention the violence.
The trade will continue anyways we might as well tax it.
Not that alcohol or tobacco are so healthy.
First of all, I have never, nor will I ever, smoke marijuana whether or not it is made legal. I understand the history of how it became illegal.
That said I have worked in situations where I have had to deal with the drunk and the stoned at different times. The drunk are unpreditable, easy to anger, and can be violent. The stoned are lazy, easy going, and hungry. The only thing a stoned person ever attacked was a bag of Doritos. It is really silly that alcohol is legal, and MJ is not. Legalize it, tax it and move on.

And all that wealth in those pics was not from sales of Marijuana, at least not the bulk of it.
"The money and valuables found in this one house alone, would be enough to pay for health insurance for every man woman and child in the U.S.A. for 12 years!"

Only in America ;)
And all that wealth in those pics was not from sales of Marijuana, at least not the bulk of it.

Almost every person that I know in the States smokes, some of those don't even care for tobacco or will drink one or two beers on a hot day.
Now imagine if the $10.00 that you pay in NY for a pack of Marlboro wasn't split between Taxes and Philip Morris (advertising, payroll, headquarters, lawyers, CEO's .............)
That makes lots lots of money, the reasons why this guys are able to have those homes and live the life besides that they can buy Donald Trump, is that they build towns, churches, schools, markets, they pay decent salaries, they do what the government supposed to do but don’t do because of the corruption, people from those towns like them and protect them.
Personaly I think alcohol is worse for you than pot. Legalize it and tax it and everyone should be happy. I would rather smoke pot than drink alcohol myself. That's just my opinion.
Site doesn't even mention the 26,000 people killed in Mexico due to this trade.

26,000. That's six and a half times the number killed on 9/11...

"The money and valuables found in this one house alone, would be enough to pay for health insurance for every man woman and child in the U.S.A. for 12 years!"

Only in America ;)

Well, probably just across the border, maybe just across from Laredo, Texas in "Nuevo Laredo," which is actually in Mexico.

Cheaper healthcare over there, is it?

Or in other words, only in America would a Mexican drug dealer's loot be compared to it's equivalent cost in health insurance. Don't take it to heart - it just looks a little strange from this side of the (free healthcare) pond.
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The closets fully packed with money were awesome.. If I won the lottery I would do the same thing but with a built in vault.. something about going out shopping and opening the closet to grab a $10,000 stack is so sweet..
Cheaper healthcare over there, is it?

Or in other words, only in America would a Mexican drug dealer's loot be compared to it's equivalent cost in health insurance. Don't take it to heart - it just looks a little strange from this side of the (free healthcare) pond.

there is no health care in Mexico, you pay out of pocket or if you can aford insurance then you have it.
Or, you work for the goverment and then you have some kind of social security.
If you are in the army then no worries too.
The sad part is that the share who doesn't work in the goverment, military or can aford private insurance is like 95% of the population.