- Awareness - 1 out od 15 Americans get Appendicitis


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May 21, 2009
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Stamford, CT.
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So, after going through this dilemma. I learned something new and felt like it's best to share it with you.

On Thursday, i felt this really strong pain in my stomach after eating this chicken cesar salad from our campus cafeteria. Went home immediately to use my bathroom.

Well, i couldn't go #2. All that kept happening was me throwing up. I felt this strong pain as if it was on my belly button.

So my dad took me to the hospital, went to the emergency room and got help from a doctor.

I ended up having a catscan in which the doc saw i had appendicitis.

Went into surgery and had it removed. Now im not only recovering from my wounds of my recent accident with the bike. I also have to deal with the surgery from my appendix.

I rumbled through google and the web for info. but a few questions were left unanswered.

Anyone have a clue how the body works without an appendix?
Am I going to notice that it's gone in the future?

So i put this thread up to let you all know of what I learned the last couple of days
I am drinking so dont listen to me... BUT

according to modern medicine the appendix was used for digesting grass back in the day when we ate grass. SOOooo it is not used and you won't miss it.

Now look up more stuff and it says we may need it after all!! whoooo knows.
I am drinking so dont listen to me... BUT

according to modern medicine the appendix was used for digesting grass back in the day when we ate grass. SOOooo it is not used and you won't miss it.

Now look up more stuff and it says we may need it after all!! whoooo knows.

I thought it was used to digest raw meat back in the day
I think the only issue with appendix removal is the ugly scare the hacker witch doctor's of today leave behind -- you'd think with today's technology, they could make it look a little better.

The appendix is vestigial (i.e., you don't really need it).

My father had his taken out 20+ years ago.....I don't think he misses it.

Did someone say RAW meat? I better keep mine... I love sushi :D
They're all wrong. With no appendix you'll be impotent for the rest of your life. Sorry.

:spank: ;) :D
And now the good news...

1.Removal of said appendage directly correlates to an increase of 2-5 BHP on an FZ6.

2. Since you wont be having (relations):eek: anymore, you can more frequently enjoy the new found power of the FZ...:D

Heal up and take it easy..
They're all wrong. With no appendix you'll be impotent for the rest of your life. Sorry.

:spank: ;) :D

That and plus you'll be constantly flatulent without any self control at all, especially during intimate moments or family (in-laws) gatherings.
You'll also need at least 12mg of Viagra just to avoid peeing on your good shoes. LOL.

But seriously, you don't need it like our coccyx (tailbone).
Medically it serves no purpose but to allow general surgeons to charge your medical insurance thousands of dollars for an inflamed appendege

Tonsils, Apendix, Gall bladder, and suprisingly spleen's are essentially useless organs. I have known people that have had all of the above removed (not in the same person) and they don't miss any of them.
Tonsils, Apendix, Gall bladder, and suprisingly spleen's are essentially useless organs. I have known people that have had all of the above removed (not in the same person) and they don't miss any of them.

The spleen does have a function, it helps the body fight infections. Having said this you can easily live without it, a friend of mine lost his in a motorcycle accident and as long as he doesn't get any major diseases he'll be OK. Nowadays penicillin can cope with these things anyway.
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The spleen does have a function, it helps the body fight infections. Having said this you can easily live without it, a friend of mine lost his in a motorcycle accident and as long as he doesn't get any major diseases he'll be OK. Nowadays penicillin can cope with these things anyway.

That was the "Essentially" part :)
I had mine removed when i was 3 years old...been without it for 32 years now,and I have a 5 inch scar on my lower right abdomen..my sister had hers removed when she was 14 years old in 1994 and she has a half inch scar..they have made some incredible advances in surgery...you will be fine in a few weeks...then the "were you stabbed" questions will come for the rest of your life!!! LOL
Back in 1971 and about 6 weeks before I was to turn 7 yrs old, I had problems that took the Doc too long to figure out. Parents dropped me at the hospital for the third time in a week and told the Doc, it's not a stomach ache, find it and fix it! They had to leave for the night. As soon as they got home, the phone was ringing off the hook... The Doc was calling asking for permission to cut. They answered and told him Yes and headed back to the hosptial.

Well, it burst, they were in a rush and the scar is about 6 inches long. There's a deep depression in the middle of the scar from where the drain tube was in me for a month. I was put out for 3 days and in the hospital for 21 days. They released me 6 days before Christmas that year. I spent the next 3 weeks at home.

They thought they were going to lose me. I did have to be revived once. At the worst, I weighed 38 lbs (at nearly 7 yrs old) and Mama told me I looked like a skeleton with skin stretched over me.

I only passed school because once able to do so, my teacher from first grade would come every few days and give me work to stay caught up and collect what work had been done. She was a very strict teacher and I never liked her until this happened. I realized she was actually a Saint.

I'm lucky to be here and thankful to many!
I guess its like those parts you find after assembling something without the directions that you cant figure out what there for so you just put them to the side and call them extra parts:D
My mom had a simmilar situation as FZ1in NH. She was in her 50's at the time. She had been feeling bad for over a year and the Doc's never caught what was going on. Always feeling slighly ill, frequent pain in her abdomen.

One day my dad came home from work to find her still in bed and looking like death. Ambulance, emergiancy surgery and a couple weeks in the hospital because it did burst and poisoned her system. Then about 3 months recovery. By the time the next spring rolled around she was saying she hadn't felt that good in years. Guess it was a low level repeting inflamation and because of her age, they never even suspected it. Then it went off the hook and almost got her.
I saw on tv just recently that the appendix was a storage unit for an overstock of immune cells. With the advances in modern medicine the necessity of large discharges of immune cells is unneeded. So, we made it obsolete!