

The Gamer
Sep 29, 2008
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Hey guys I had a dream that I have been thinking about for about a week now that I moved to Australia... Then I got to looking online and I saw a lot of you guys are from SA so I was looking in that general area, and well I think it would be pretty nice to live there... I mean its just in the dream/general thinking stage but still...

So I got online and looked at the Southern Australia Police (because I am currently in school to become a police officer) and come to find out SAPOL makes more money as a cadet then our local police officers make here after their training :eek:. So that sparked my interest even more...

So now I have some questions for you guys (mostly just curious)

1) Hows the Economy? (I know it has to be better then ours)

2) Hows the Cost of Living down there? (Property Tax?.. Any Taxes on Land and what not)

3) What's medical system like down there? (Do you guys have free health care like canada?)

4) Pros?

5) Cons?
Like the rest of the world the economy is taking a battering but apparently our banks are in good shape as they are alot more regulated than U.S and european banks. As for living expenses in Sydney- yes it is expensive but you are looking at South Aus which is a hell of alot better than Sydney when it comes to living costs. I'm sure one of the South Aus boys will tell you better than I can.

The medical system is great compared to the U.s but not quite that of Canada. We have a public system which is quite good despite the occaisional long waiting lists for surgery.

Pros: Greatest Country on Earth
Cons: Too many people are finding out about us, dryest country on earth

This is coming from a Tasmanian though and to some mainlanders we aren't considered Australian so maybe I am not the best to give advice.
Hey Tofer ,come on down mate .

Found this on the Health care question The Australian Health System - Medicare Australia

The cost of living is still very affordable in Adelaide ,house prices can be high ,depending where you want to live .Grocery prices are going up a bit coz of the drought and fuel is around the $1.40 lt mark at the monent.
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Yes it is ,one I sometimes wish I hadn't left !
Not that I don't like living in Adelaide,been here 20 years after all,but Tassy is much more laid back.
Isolation is not always a bad thing .
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Listen to the two mutated inbreed sheep loving tasmanians bantering together. You are right tasmania is not a part of the australia we want to be a part of, go away. mNo in honesty we are all wanting you lot to stay away we have a good thing here so dont tell any one. Tasy i reckon has it good, get away from the hussle and bussle.
Have lived in Adelaide all my life, except for a brief period in the UK, Jules is right...this is joint is a very well kept secret.

Beautiful weather...can ride all year, Great beaches for 100's of kilometres, Great Wine, everything is easy to get such thing as a hardcore traffic jam! in fact roads are pretty much busy for about 2 hours in the morning, and 2 hours at night.

Lots of Jobs, low unemployment, Cheapish housing compared to much else of Australia, decent Beer....Coopers, Lazy cops....LOL!, Loads of great roads to ride, great schools, quiet suburbs, low crime....The world's most beautiful, and laid back women....truely lovely, just about all of them. Is a big country town really in attitude.....everyone is wasted! Marijuana capitol of the Southern Hemisphere....Lol!

Can be a bit quiet if you want "party town", crappy public hospitals, crap public transport, we are in the middle of a massive never rains, except on the roads i am riding!,

That's about it really.....:thumbup:
We also have some sick little puppies down here as well...... Jules & Oz, you guys are just wrong! :spank::ban:;)