August 16-18, 2013 - Skyline Dr, Blue Ridge Pkwy, and West VA

Looks AWESOME, can't wait. Quite an investment in the GPS gear... I'll just stick with my old Magellan, which has zero ability to import anything, and actually gets directions horribly wrong most of the time. But I figure as long as I stay with the pack and know the different waypoints just in case, I'll be good to go.
Great job with the planning, sooooo looking forward to the trip.

Looks AWESOME, can't wait...Great job with the planning, sooooo looking forward to the trip.

Thanks, I'm very excited as well!!

The GPS is expensive, so I'm looking for a cheaper EBAY solution...I just lost a bid on one, so we'll have to see what happens. I think it is a worthy investment

lghtmgr said he has figured out how to import the routes onto his GPS, so at least we will have one!
I've been interested in trying to hit the BRP but I would be coming from the South, meaning I'd launch from somewhere in NC, probably around Asheville.

Then again that doesn't put me too far from your red route.
I've been interested in trying to hit the BRP but I would be coming from the South, meaning I'd launch from somewhere in NC, probably around Asheville.

Then again that doesn't put me too far from your red route.

yeah, it would be a hike. But, you are welcome to join us. We will be meeting in Front Royal around 1230 on Friday the 16th.

Let me know.
i am working that entire weekend but i'm going to try to get off and meet up with you in Waynesboro and cruise the rest of the way, or at least to Roanoke. i'll keep you posted. also, i have a couple people that ride but not on a yamaha, much less an FZ. i hope this isn't a strict fz ride.
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no, not strict FZ ride, we would love to have a group. Don't rather not go above 8. A good group ride is 5-7.

I think a good rule of thumb would be that everyone needs ATGATT.

Other than that this is what we will follow

We will be in Waynesboro around 5-6PM and then have another hour route to our hotel in Buena Vista for the evening. If you want to go the rest of the route and plan on staying the two nights, let me know if you want me to get you and anyone else a room. I have two rooms now.
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Ok, All the maps are loaded on My Garmin, The "Tyre" program is very easy to use. I made a couple hour run today on some back roads I didn't know yet, Route perform very well. Anyone who has a newer Garmin, or one that has been updated to include the "plan a route" App should be able to use this program to plan and upload routes.

The program was originally designed around the TOM TOM platform but also work with Garmin. Those of you who have tried base camp and just got annoyed with trying to make it work try the Tyre Program. Look forward to the trip and meeting and riding with all that decide to make it.

TyreToTravel - find, create and share routes
Ok, All the maps are loaded on My Garmin, The "Tyre" program is very easy to use. I made a couple hour run today on some back roads I didn't know yet, Route perform very well. Anyone who has a newer Garmin, or one that has been updated to include the "plan a route" App should be able to use this program to plan and upload routes.

The program was originally designed around the TOM TOM platform but also work with Garmin. Those of you who have tried base camp and just got annoyed with trying to make it work try the Tyre Program. Look forward to the trip and meeting and riding with all that decide to make it.

TyreToTravel - find, create and share routes

Great! I just bought a Garmin 2455 LMT and a handlebar mount, So I will be uploading the routes soon. Just waiting for everything to arrive.

Yes, TYRE is a great program extremely simple to use! We are all set for the trip and I can't wait. A little more than a month!
sounds good. i have to run it by my boss this week to make sure i can get the time off and i will get back to you on here as soon as i know something. hope to meet yall out there
Hey guys,
My name is Josh, I'm new to the forum and somewhat new to street riding. I used to ride dirt bikes a few years back (always staying off the roads of course :rolleyes:). Anyway, I got my bike about 1 month ago and have done a few rides with my Dad and his friends. They are all Harley's so I stuck out like a sore thumb on my FZ6. I know I'm a bit late coming across this thread/trip, but if there is anyway there is room left I would love to meet up around the end of Day1 Leg1, and peel off around there on the return. I am coming from Harrisburg, PA. Let me know either way!

Edit: Actually, just took another look at the planned route linked on the initial post. Assuming that is still the general idea, I would try to meet up around Frederick, Maryland.
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disregard, i couldnt find how to delete my post but i found my info.

So, does this mean you can't get the time off? I'm confused...

Hey guys,
My name is Josh, I'm new to the forum and somewhat new to street riding. I used to ride dirt bikes a few years back (always staying off the roads of course :rolleyes:). Anyway, I got my bike about 1 month ago and have done a few rides with my Dad and his friends. They are all Harley's so I stuck out like a sore thumb on my FZ6. I know I'm a bit late coming across this thread/trip, but if there is anyway there is room left I would love to meet up around the end of Day1 Leg1, and peel off around there on the return. I am coming from Harrisburg, PA. Let me know either way!

Edit: Actually, just took another look at the planned route linked on the initial post. Assuming that is still the general idea, I would try to meet up around Frederick, Maryland.

The ride is about 1200 miles in three days, technical turns, ups and downs. I would only say that ATGATT is required, but if you feel you're up for it, you are more than welcome.

So, you plan on riding the whole trip? Meaning you will need a hotel room? Do you need me to book you a room, or will you do that on your own? Hotel Buena Vista for the night of the 16th in Virginia, and the Mineral Springs Motel in Webster Springs WVA for the night of the 17th.

Let me know
Got the gear! Though my current gloves are not gauntlet. I realize that trails and street are different, but I don't think that I will have any trouble with tight turns or elevation changes. I have had a few passes over nearby mountains, on both street and trail. The length should be no problem, I have done a few long trips. As long as we can make a stop every few hours to look at the scenery/get off my arse and you know do those pesky fuel stops.

I would plan to meet up with you guys at some point between Frederick and Front Royal, wherever works best. I plan to stick with you for the whole trip until around Frederick (on the return) where I would head north.

As far as lodging, I can make the reservation myself, unless you have got some kind of group rate I could be a part of. Also, I don't mind sharing a room if there is an odd number of beds being filled at this point. So, this means there is an open spot? How many are riding?

The only thing that could get in the way is if my bosses won't let me have off, but I don't see that being a problem. Also, I might be taking a business trip around that time, but again it shouldn't conflict.
Right now, confirmed there are four total. Including myself. I reserved two rooms, I'm not sure what kind or how many beds are in the rooms. I will confirm that tomorrow.

I don't mind sharing a bed either, it would cut down on costs. Wait on booking a room until I figure that out.

I've planned most of our necessary stops, but it is really a fluid time table. If we need to stop to rest or look around that isn't a problem. I'm really a laid back kind of guy.

So, you're welcome to meet up with me and Ohendo near Frederick. I will plan a meet up spot, it might be a much needed 15-20 min break from straight highway riding from the Philly area.
Just a wee bit over a month out... this trip is gonna rock.:rockon:

Hoping for good weather - I've had the worst luck with these pop up thunderstorms the past few weeks. I think the rain gods know when I'm out riding.

Came across this post while forum browsing:
Hey all, my names Josh. I bought my first street legal bike about a month ago, a red '06 FZ6 with 2,500 miles. I used to ride dirt bikes a few years back so I was thinking of getting a dual sport. However, I am loving the (sport/standard:confused:) bike so far, put on about 1,000 miles in the month I've had it. I am from Harrisburg, PA going into my senior year of college, major is Mechanical Engineering. :D

Hope you can join us in Frederick, Josh. Where are you going to school? I'm an oldtimer, PSU '94.
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Right now, confirmed there are four total. Including myself. I reserved two rooms, I'm not sure what kind or how many beds are in the rooms. I will confirm that tomorrow.

I don't mind sharing a bed either, it would cut down on costs. Wait on booking a room until I figure that out.

I've planned most of our necessary stops, but it is really a fluid time table. If we need to stop to rest or look around that isn't a problem. I'm really a laid back kind of guy.

So, you're welcome to meet up with me and Ohendo near Frederick. I will plan a meet up spot, it might be a much needed 15-20 min break from straight highway riding from the Philly area.

Well, I don't know about sharing a bed, I just meant that most motels have two beds per room, I wouldn't mind sharing a room 1 bed each. Just let me know around about what time to meet you in Frederick and the location and I'll be there. I have no GPS, but if I get lost I can always stop and get my phone out.

Hope you can join us in Frederick, Josh. Where are you going to school? I'm an oldtimer, PSU '94.

I plan to and am looking forward to meeting up. I go to PSU, the Harrisburg campus.
OK, I checked on the rooms, all rooms have two beds. So, 92Bit, we are glad to have you along. If you can find someone else to come with you, or if another forum member pops in and says they want to join it would cut down on the cost of a room for you. lghtmgr, Ohendo, gottherim4, and I will be splitting two rooms.

I posted the website link for the hotels, but if you need the contact info let me know.

I will look at where we can meet in Frederick, or just outside thereof, and will make a post!

SO excited! :rockon:

I will look at where we can meet in Frederick, or just outside thereof, and will make a post!


If I was up for a long trip I'd be joining you, but not this summer. :(

Just some suggestions on where to meet up near "Fredneck" ;) ...

I reckon 92Bit will be coming down US-15 S and BamBam & Co via I-70 W, then everyone getting on US-340. The roads meet on the south side of town, so you won't have many places to meet in Frederick without getting off track.

There isn't a whole lot between Frederick and the Potomac River. Maybe here, off 340, where there is a McDonald's and a Sheetz gas station.,+Frederick,+Maryland+21758&t=m&z=16

In Harper's Ferry, there is an Exxon along the river at Harper's Ferry Rd (671), and a bunch of strip malls in Charles Town before you have take an exit to continue south on 340.
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Thanks for the tip oaks! I will indeed be coming down 15, if it makes more sense I can just meet up at Front Royal, I'm really up for anything. I'll get my rooms all squared away, then it's just a matter of counting down the days.