ATGATT, No, really.

Ya Big Geek yaa..I feel you dude. I am so itching to throw a leg over my bike and ride off. I keep ogling at my helmet and have considered putting it on at home a few times. This is going to be a very loooooooooooooong winter
Whenever we take the jeep out with the windshield down we wear full faced helmets. Keeps the bugs out of your teeth.

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Steering wheel a bit cold on your hands this morning? What was it in OH? 8 degrees?
I went out to garage. Started up the bikes. Sat on R6 and did my leg workout (sliding side to side, hands off the bar). Stared at the ice / snow outside. Shut the bikes off and went back in :rolleyes:
Funny we have a lot of comedians on this forum! LOL It's been super cold here in Oregon for the last week+ too. I hate winter partially due to not being able to ride as much. I suppose I could like Kenny Vegas Rider but it's sure nice to have a car with heated seats. :D I like winter however so I can snow ski.
Steering wheel a bit cold on your hands this morning? What was it in OH? 8 degrees?

A bit - Heated seats don't help your hands much. But that was mainly for walking the dog before, and they were by the door when I left so I figured...

My cage said it was only 19* (should be in the picture if you can make it out), so not bad - but being by the lake means we have some pretty solid wind chills.
A couple of times I've forgotten to move my car from the driveway before getting on my bike. Trying to reverse my car wearing a full set of armoured textiles or leathers, plus boots, is fun. I find moving the seat back helps.
A couple of times I've forgotten to move my car from the driveway before getting on my bike. Trying to reverse my car wearing a full set of armoured textiles or leathers, plus boots, is fun. I find moving the seat back helps.

Sounds like our driveways are equally narrow and constricting.

I've done that a couple of times too - gotta be careful not to hit my helmet on the roof rack when I'm getting in/out.

My roommate has a beat up Jetta with minimally functioning seatbelts and airbags, so when I have to drive it, the helmet might be part of the buckling in routine.
don't think i'd be able to sit in my car with my helmet on, especially not with my helmet cam stuck on the top like a teletubby!
I rode in today (30 degrees) and several people asked if I was insane. While not disputing that, folks around here (Seattle area) are a bunch of wimps. I'm a native, so they must be all transplants from parts South of here.
Come on Mike, you know that I've been told hanging off (or in this case out) attracts negative police attention!

So I've heard. I was trying to come up with some clever "COW" scenario but it just didn't work :D

Hang in there - STT does a track day at Barber (Birmingham, AL) in March! I might have to start counting the days soon.

BTW, it is supposed to drop to 8F tonight down here.