Are you tired of the way the government is being run?

Chris Parker

Junior Member
Aug 4, 2008
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Bellevue, Wa
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Please check out Ron Paul and the Campaign for Liberty.

YouTube - campaignforliberty's Channel

If you like what you see, spread the word. If we can start to open people's eyes about the corruption and greed that runs the government we can start to change it. If the government continues on the track it's on, we're headed to fascism and complete catastrophe, so please check out the videos and join the campaign so you can sign all the petitions that they provide to try and block big government and the constant loss of liberties.
I like Ron Paul. His son Rand Paul lives here in Bowling Green, and it looks like he is going to run for office next fall.
I like this! I got an email today that said that if you do not like what our politicians are doing, (I don't), FIRE THEM! (Just don't re-elect them!)
The US gov't has already peaked---similar to when the FZ6 power curve has maxed. What you're seeing now is how we will continue to have it. Aside from the usual Rep/Dem swings it's pretty much going to be the same 'ol bloated, inefficient, redundant and ho-hum system. Take the latest terrorism incident: Just as our usual incompentent US gov't "security" bureaucrats ignored warnings of the 911 flight students (remember--the ones who, strangely didn't express interest in landing, just flying) we learn that State Dep't personnel dismised importance of the well-known and reputable Nigerian figure who made a special effort to warn about his Islam-radicalized son who recently boarded that Northwest flight with explosives. This, despite all the billions and new "measures" (read more bureaucracy) put into place after 911. If you can't take a joke, then you should move to another country where things will probably be equally as incompetent and corrupt (unless maybe Israel?). Look for the next, upcoming US gov't "security" blunder, folks. Next time it will probably be a Muslim-looking radical terrorist boarding a flight with a big sign on his back reading "TERRORIST" with a bomb-belt buldge underneath his t-shirt (picturing Osama Bin Laden) while the TSA does a body cavity search of your 95 year-old grandmother.