Are you in a peaceful State?

I beat you! :Flip: Mississippi's only #41. :rockon: I think Memphis is the only reason that TN ranks that low (Jackson hurts us & I'm sure New Orleans doesn't help Louisana's dead-last ranking). I lived in Memphis for about a year & had the same truck stolen twice! Memphis sucks! I love Nashville & Knoxville though! :thumbup:
Most of the time... :p

If it's the same study, no, I'm (soon to be) in AZ, ranked 46th. However, I really just got a good laugh out of the article. The criteria they used was a bunch of BS in my opinion. But if I went into why I think that, I'd border on breaking forum rules on politics...I think anyway.
We beat California!!!!! That's all that matters :D
AND we're number one in peace improvement! lol

Edit: we're the least peaceful in the Northeast... thats depressing lol
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Makes me glad to live in a country where we don't feel the need to compare which states are more dangerous than others.....

In Australia, the only dangerous states are intoxication, aggression, despair etc.

(state of arousal can be bad if not managed correctly too!)

(state of arousal can be bad if not managed correctly too!)


Funny as F*@k, sadly need to spread rep around.
We don't have a rating in Ireland and despite being used as Europe's bog brush we are according to the LA Times just below Australia at # 10.

So the happiest countries are…

New Zealand

From LA Times
[edit I reckon Denmark might slip in light of recent events]
We're #1. We're # 1! I live in Maine. The #1 state on this list. I just got back from Hawaii and I'd have to say that it was quite a bit more peaceful than back home. oh well It's good to be the King!

Michigan is 29 and Missouri is 45...

Funny thing was I spent the weekend in Iowa and it's ranked 10 but I actually couldn't stand it there.
I figured that for Texas, it would be quickest to start at #50 and work backwards. I was not too far wrong... #44, just behind Arkansas, but ahead of Missouri.

Edit: But we're 8th in improvement. I wonder how far we were down the list on the last survey.
Tied for second... not bad! :D

You know why Maine is so peaceful? (I'm from Maine btw)... There's nothing to do, there's no work, everyone is drunk and depressed and 80% of the state is forest without civilization. :D