April 2012 Scavenger Hunt

Happy Fool's day.

So Eddie, you wanted "a 'picture of you' and your bike" eh?

Well here is my entry.


Enjoy the day for who ever can ride, I know I can't :( darn rain.....
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Terrible picture, been working in the yard and fixing my shed all day and forgot about this. I had my wife take this in the garage, me sitting on the bike in my pajamas ready for bed. Hope it counts!
April 4th

As gas prices get closer to $4.00 a gallon I figured I find a place with gas for $4.00
Great list! and great rules!!
Thanks for taking this on again.
I just saw this post so missed the 1st, but will still get a pic of this fool on her bike! :BLAA:
I got back from my trip today still on time to post a picture on the 4th.

In it, you can see a Venezuelan music instrument "el cuatro" which translates to English as "the four". Just in case we would get lost in the translation, there is a little calendar indicating April the 4th, I hope the number is visible in the picture.

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Well done. Read the list carefully.

"A picture of your bike and the number four."

Had you just included "el cuatro", you would have not received points.

I am revising the rules for May. They will be much more comprehensive.
This month has been tough!!!
I have not used my bike not even once!!!!!
I'm leaving tomorrow again, coming back on Sunday!!!!!

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I have 2 more for the day.

5-Apertura. Something open. Well, I have been trying to figure out what to do here that's closer then just something open. I was riding past an eye clinic today with am iris on the sign and thought, "Hey, that might work". So, if this is not what you're looking for, just lemme know and I'll try again.

6-Baseball. I was hoping there would be kids playing Tee ball, but no such luck. However, because there were no kids playing Tee ball, I was able to get a pic of the bike on the baseball field, on home plate.

#6 Great.

#5 Something open. Nice try.

I thought about it for a while and cannot give it to you. Had there been a picture of an eye, no problem. But the word eye does not do it, and their symbol does not say "open" to me.

That is partially my fault for defining it as "something open". Look at October 2011. I just posted words that were open for interpretation. A lot better, I think. Feedback is welcome, always.

I am giving you a mulligan.

Part of the rule revisions will be once a photo is submitted, it is final.

So, if it was May, you would get zero for #5. I hope this will make participants think hard about their submissions and encourage creativity.

But... I am not a hard ass and will always listen to explanations.

And thank you for your kind words.

I encourage you to tell everyone on other boards about this. If we get enough people playing, it will be easier to get sponsors and that means free stuff!
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