Anyone on Caesars Head today?


Junior Member
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Greenville, SC
My wife and I were driving down Caesars Head about 1:00 today, and I looked in my rear view mirror to see a red FZ6....I said "hey, it's an FZ6" and watched him go by. She said "He passed you, ya know" I said "I know, it's cool" :) Was anyone on the boards riding there today? Looked like you were having a good time :rockon:
dang it... i want to go ride... i usually go up that way but mine is blue so no it wasnt me :( wish it was... hope you had a good ride
Might of been me??? Me, Hollow and couple buddies were up that way today we got split up coming down the Mtn from Caeser's and I was running solo. If it was, yes we were having a "GREAT" time. Could not have asked for better riding weather IMO. BTW I was in Black leather with crossed Battleaxes on the back of my jacket. What were you driving? I might remember. :rockon:
Here's the start at the Store Hwy 11 & 178

Just to let you know if you do see another red FZ6 in the future more than likely if you want to see a blue one also. Just go ahead and pull over take a picnic on the side of the road you may get to see me on the blue one come coasting by. :D To the blue riders sorry I know we always argue on which is faster the blue or the red? I just am not ready yet to ride the blue to its full potential. If I was to do so it would be mine and the FZs last because we would end up in a tree. I am working on it though.
Hollywood, were you on hwy 25 about 1:00pm..? My wife and I were on a black FZ heading north/west and spotted a "faster" red FZ turning south/east...

was a nice day for a ride. we ended up in Saluda went back down hwy 176 to 14 to 9...nice ride.
Just to let you know if you do see another red FZ6 in the future more than likely if you want to see a blue one also. Just go ahead and pull over take a picnic on the side of the road you may get to see me on the blue one come coasting by. :D To the blue riders sorry I know we always argue on which is faster the blue or the red? I just am not ready yet to ride the blue to its full potential. If I was to do so it would be mine and the FZs last because we would end up in a tree. I am working on it though.

:rof: David you trip me out, your coming along just fine dude just give it time and all will work out. Pick up that book I was telling you about too and it will help out bunches. :rockon:

Jadon- Nah wasn't me man I di live near 25 but seldom go that way anywhere.

shamrocker- yea must have been me I remember a silver civic just not where I was when I saw it. Focused on to many other things I guess.