Anyone interested in riding cross country this year?


Junior Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Plymouth, CT
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Since the days are (slowly) starting to get longer, the itch to ride again has surfaced! As I mentioned in my last write-up, the guy I normally rode with got married and sold his FZ6. I'm curious if there's anyone here who'd want to make the trip. I don't have anything solid planned out yet, but the gist would be from Connecticut to California and back. There's 20 or so parks left for me to visit west of the Mississippi, though I don't think I'd be able to get them all in one one trip.
If your headed to Cali. jump down here to SD we have some fun roads to ride!
I'm all tripped out from last's exhausting but WAY worth it.

Whoever is thinking about doing this and hasn't before, you are definitely missing out!
I've got the itch as well, don't know about all the way west have thought about going more north and west in August or late July. My sister is in LA and have thought about a ride out there. There is that castle in Arkansas that a French fella is building that would be cool to drop by.

I have been ready for spring since November 1st. This winter has been really nice so far, have ridden every day but a three or four. Last two years didn't ride at all for the first two weeks.
Yeah, wintertime in the south means we still get to ride everyday, just with an extra layer sometimes. It was in the 70's the other day here and going to be 77 by Sunday.

I've been doing some research on possibly riding from TX through NM and AZ, maybe CO and UT while I'm out there. I have some time off in May.