anybody have any WEIRD hobbies

Does buying stuff I rarely or never use count? Guitar, keyboard, fitness club membership, FZ6 (sadly)...

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I fly RC Helicopters and teach beginner guitar and bass. I call the teaching a hobby because I do it for free, I teach kids that can't afford it otherwise.

Oh and beer drinking... Yea it's a hobby I spent a lot of money at it and get nothing in return.
You get a belly, so thats some thing

so im sitting at my dorm apartment dining room/college party table sewing together 2 bandanas to line the hood of a jacket that i also sewed together. and was wondering if anybody else has any strange hobbies that they wanna share. keep in mind for me im a 19 year old male engineering student doing this on a friday night...:disapprove:

i also collect random hotwheels and matchbox cars

EDIT: i also work on cars/bikes, play guitar, and build random stuff. but im wondering what do you do thats out of character, or "the norm" for a the stereotype or just "out there" kinds of stuff
I collect seasonal edible wild fungi (When the rain has ruined them). Great to eat Yum Yum.

Probably more dangerous than wierd?

No I don't, and a rep point to you for knowing even what hardanger is!

Thanks for the rep! :)

I'm from Norway, so I should (or maybe not, being male) know what Hardanger is. It's a region, and some kind of stichwork (is that even a word?) or sowing technique, probably originating from the region with the same name. I'm guessing on that last part... ;-)

You should look into making a complete "bunad". Then you'll have some stitching to do for the next year or so. ;-)

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I collect seasonal edible wild fungi (When the rain has ruined them). Great to eat Yum Yum.

Probably more dangerous than wierd?


The 3 who died from poisonous fungi in Canberra, Australia will confirm that.

Me - I drive RC Cars. Tried Heli's (once), then Planes (once). Think I'll stick with cars. I think my cars, due to the number of them are worth more than my bike!
I collect Minichamps 1:12 Diecast Motorbike models.

I have nearly 100. A lot of them are Rossi but I also have Doohan, Bayliss, Smart, McCoy, Corser, Spencer, Lawson, Ago etc etc

I am a little obsessed........

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I'm also a Freemason, some people might consider that weird?

Me too! Good to see you on here, Brother! If you're ever down here in MS, stop by Lodge #294 in Saltillo where I'm a P.M. & S.D. & we'll "ride the goat" & then go riding for real! LOL! I also used to play paintball war games with some of my riding buddies, but it got too expensive.
I collect Lego sets. I got interested in their designs and creative structure when my son got a couple of sets for his birthday. That was 20+ yrs ago. I was buying and selling them online and had about 1000 sets at one time, many unique or limited in distribution.

Over the past 3-4 years I have sold 90% of them but still hold on to quite a few of the Technic line of kits, particularly the car and motorcycle sets and most of the 1st year Star Wars collection.
I like to GROW things. I LOVE growing things and putting things together.

I have in my fishtank a coral patch reef I've been growing for 3 years. I grow 9' tomatoes, lettuce, watermelons, pumpkins, sunflowers, dill and basil. I also grow cantaloupes hydroponically as an experiment just for fun. I have a 10 year bonsai tree, a number of cacti, bamboo, and an old pair of boots I've planted Hen and Chicks in (those things grow in ANYTHING).

Anyway, I like watching things grow from start to finish.

Not that horticulture is strange, its probably the strangest hobby of mine considering my age.

I dabble in everything, but master nothing.

Oh yeah, I love wheelies, death metal, and jumping out of planes.
I collect Minichamps 1:12 Diecast Motorbike models.

I have nearly 100. A lot of them are Rossi but I also have Doohan, Bayliss, Smart, McCoy, Corser, Spencer, Lawson, Ago etc etc

I am a little obsessed........

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i have some die casts this size but they are just random bikes, a couple BMWs a yamaha FZR, some harleys, and a couple others im not sure about.
I collect Lego sets. I got interested in their designs and creative structure when my son got a couple of sets for his birthday. That was 20+ yrs ago. I was buying and selling them online and had about 1000 sets at one time, many unique or limited in distribution.

Over the past 3-4 years I have sold 90% of them but still hold on to quite a few of the Technic line of kits, particularly the car and motorcycle sets and most of the 1st year Star Wars collection.

Haha!! I didn't even think of my Star Wars collection as 'Weird'. Maybe it is?? About 20 of the larger, more expensive lego sets, 50 or so figurines and a few plastic models and diaramas. Oh, and they're all the bad guys. Bad guys always have the cool uniforms. Especially the Stormtrooper suit which I have a full costume dressed on a manekin in the lounge room.

And the James Bond vehicle collection. Oh, and the plastic model car kit making - mainly variations of Mitsubishi Evo Lancers. And the radio control cars mentioned earlier.

I'm sure that's all and they're NOT weird. I do keep arguing with my wife!
wouldn't really call it weird, but i like barefoot running

did a 10k race a couple of years ago just to see if i could (i can)
Of course playing guitar. I wish I could do a band, but I work weekends and have other hobbies that would probably come before that.

I got divorced last year and long story short got into running to help cope with the emotional roller coaster that comes standard with it. I'm starting to really get into it and have become really interested in endurance races. I haven't done any yet, but will probably do something. Training for a half marathon and full marathon. Just running a mile a couple of years ago was a major deal. I just really have gotten facinated in it for some reason.

Also got into cycling at the first of the year and do 30+ mile rides now and I'm looking to extend that.

greg: That barefoot racing looks interesting. I don't think I will be going that route though. I couldn't imagine running a 5K like that. I broke my left foot and ankle in 7 places a few years back that would make running barefoot hard for me.
barefoot running is actually kinder on joints, as you land quite softly, and use your calves etc to absorb the impact, rather than relying on cushioning in the shoes. not sure how well it would work for you though.

it wasn't a specialist barefoot race, it was just a normal road race (the manchester 10k), the surface of the road was probably as bad as it could have been :S

it was fun though, everybody would do a double take as i ran past or cheer me on :)