Any scary movie watchers out there?


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Jul 2, 2008
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Central Texas
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I was talking to some friends the other day about horror movies. Of course everyone had their opinions about them. Some love them, some hate them...etc.. Well it got me thinking. I know we are all adults and know that a movie is a movie. I also know that we all have imaginations... Anyhow I was just curious, are there any movies out there that you all have watched that has pretty much scarred you I am not talking about the ones that scared you as a kid and now when you watch them (if you do) you just find amusing. I mean the ones that if you watch them you may lose a little sleep or you may need to leave the light on....
I watch them around Halloween every year. My favorite is the Halloween series.

Now for your question about are there any now that I just don't like to watch and there are a few. The Grudge scares the bejesus out of me :eek: , not that it is all that scary but just the look on the faces of the girl and little boy. Something about the white expressionless (sp.) faces just gets to me. The same as the Ring but I can handle it since you don't see her face all that much. Thats about the only ones I just do not like.
Just saw SAW 5... amazing movie... but of course I like scary movies so obviously I'm going to like all of the SAW's
The Ring!

Especially when the girl comes through the TV!!! :eek: :scared: :scared:
The RING? To each his/her own... Definitely with you on the saw series!!! That's some sadistic SH... I love those kinda movies, but the girl gets pissed when we watch them... She's a scaredy.
I can't think of a movie that has freaked me out that much. but a must see if you never have is "April fools day" :thumbup:
For those who are afraid of ghost type movies, theres "The Grudge"
Weird creepy = "The shinning"
Could really happen = "Wolf Creek" "The Exorcist" "Texas Chainsaw massacre" "Silence of the Lambs"

The Saw movies make a very good series. 28 Days later is good, but not that scary. Also the Invasion
I will have to go with The Exorcist, not so much for the Crawling around or the Head Spinning, but for the make up and the Voice! I will say though my own daughter or not, she would definately have to crash somewhere else....

I saw somewhere online where you can get one of those samarra (sp) look alike mannequins. I thought about it to use as a prop for halloween but it was kind of expensive just to scare some kids...allthough it could come in handy for pranks if they made another Ring
Mine was the Exorcist. I read the book first and after reading it had to give the book away - couldn't even let it be in the house. Weird, I know.

How about ghostly TV shows? My favorite is Ghost Hunters on SciFi - totally addicted to it. They are having a live airing Friday night - you know where my butt will be glued!
I recently saw a few episodes of the "A haunting" series on the Discovery channel which weren't too bad. I dont think I have seen any really good "scary" movies lately though. Unfortunetely like they say "they dont make them like they used to"...