Another brake squeaking thread? Brake pad pin holder!


Oct 10, 2014
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Southern California
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After this thread about brake squeaking that I cleaned, changed brake fluid. The squeaking went about 2 weeks and back but very very minimal.

I used dust buster to blow out the debris once a week but the squeaking is still around,not too loud or continous but kinda annoying (you tube video below).


I checked and found the squeaking sound came from the brake pad pin holder where there are two clip holder clamped on it. The pin holder has been rotated around so I rotated it back to normal position so the knot of the clip holder point upward and there I found the squeaking sound when I rotated the pin holder..

a). Can I apply some copper grease very very little where the pin holder's contacted the brake caliper (just a very thin thin grease) so the pin holder will be freely and not to have too much friction while in that position?

b). Or maybe I need to switch the pin holder left to right and reverse?

c). is it normal the pin holder rotated around? IMO it seems not normal and it look likes too much friction between pin holder and caliper which might lead to rotate the pin holder and maybe hair-thin copper grease to rid the friction?

d). OR order new set of pin since mine looks worn out..,,,the dealer said it's 10.99/piece without the clip..:eek:
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I just bought two brand new Yamaha OEM brake pin (will re-use the clips) for $17 shipped via ebay...phewss (every where else is $27, $33)..

I think I just need to replace it because the pins are already worn out..

Maybe just $17 bucks to replace the new pins will give me a peace of mind..

But for this weekend I still open it up, clean, and maybe apply hair-thin layer of cooper grease to the pins so it will rid the friction...

What do you guys think about rotating pin while riding? is it something else cause it?:confused:

I don't see the pins location or the lack of plating solving this. A better fit may change the frequency but the spring loaded spanner (with arrow) is supposed to reduce pad oscillation. Try that CRC product i hinted at in the winter service thread.

Of course once every two weeks you could hammer down on the brakes to burn off the deposits. See if that helps...
But getting ALL of the air out by preesure bleeding also helps retract the pads...