Annoying auto links in posts

Admin is just starting to phase in the linking feature, and there are bound to be some hiccups along the way. Glitches like this are sure to come and go as the feature is implemented. Bear with us.
I like it and would like to see more links, but links to things like stickies... say someone mentions oil and the word "oil" links to a single thread that is all about oil. Same goes for mods, parts, etc...

review fz1
review fz1
review fz1

it could potentially be the greatest thing to happen to this forum since the QWERTY format keyboard.


I do like the link to the fz1 forum tho.
Yes its new, Yes it has a few bugs so... Bear with me as I work em out..

Keep pointing them out as you see it.....

As for the autolink feature the plan is for it to link relevant threads together. IE

Someone posts...

What type of engine oil should I use.... ( for the 1000000th time lol) and Voila!!! a link to the oil thread......:thumbup:
Say...I've been wondering...what type of engine oil should I use :rolleyes:

Nothing but the very BEST for the Fizz!!!

Yes its new, Yes it has a few bugs so... Bear with me as I work em out..

Keep pointing them out as you see it.....

As for the autolink feature the plan is for it to link relevant threads together. IE

Someone posts...

What type of engine oil should I use.... ( for the 1000000th time lol) and Voila!!! a link to the oil thread......:thumbup:

ya thats why im saying it could be a truly amazing feature if you get it sorted out. streamlining something as vast and messy as a busy internet forum will make for a VERY good forum. nay nay....a GREAT forum. Hopefully it works out. Would be revolutionary.


go admin go!!!
Nothing but the very BEST for the Fizz!!!


No man, synthetic is the way to go. Synthetic oil will outperform what you suggest.

My FZ gets nothing but the best. I use this stuff (little more expensive, but nothing but the best for ol' Fizz):

Yes its new, Yes it has a few bugs so... Bear with me as I work em out..

Keep pointing them out as you see it.....

As for the autolink feature the plan is for it to link relevant threads together. IE

Someone posts...

What type of engine oil should I use.... ( for the 1000000th time lol) and Voila!!! a link to the oil thread......:thumbup:

Thanks Admin :)

Would it be an idea to do the links separately, eg not change the word(s) to a link. This would make it clear that it wasn't a link the poster added.

Something like:-

drivel drivel drivel interesting stuff drivel drivel drivel drivel drivel interesting stuff drivel drivel drivel drivel drivel interesting stuff drivel drivel drivel drivel drivel interesting stuff drivel drivel drivel drivel drivel interesting stuff drivel drivel drivel drivel drivel interesting stuff drivel drivel.

****Auto generated related links****
Link to this
Link to that
****End of auto generated links****