Ankle Injury, Should I park the bike for a few weeks?

To ride or not to ride, now THAT is the question!

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Military Rider
Mar 12, 2012
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Monterey, CA
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So here is the background story. In the military, on a multi-service base(I am Air Force). Intramural sports team, currently on the soccer team. Torn ligament in my right ankle from a Marine playing dirty soccer last night. Currently have one of those full size walking boots on it.

Here is my question. If the boot is on my right ankle, being the brake side of the foot levers, should I pass on riding my bike to and from work until the boot is removed?

Secondly, anybody else have cool sports injury stories?
I would wait it out. Only because if you have to put that foot down to stop the bike from falling or something its going to hurt a lot most likely ANDDDD you cant put a riding boot around it :)
Since nothing in this world makes sense anymore, I say screw it. Now is the time to start working on your wheelies. You will obviously have your brake covered.

I got hit in the nuts with a racquetball.

(Thank you for your service)
For safety reasons I'd say the bike is parked until you can operate it at a full and effective level from a safety and skill perspective. Why risk worse injuries if a situation calls for the full set of advoidance skills. Might ruin the ankle even more in a minor incident, like having to forcefully put the foot down to stabilize the bike. Imagine how good it would feel to jam it into the ground while rolling and twist it in the process. Are you a professional rider, or a professional fighting man?

I have had sports injuries, but none were cool, I'm afraid. Tore my trapezius at the base of my head while benching a heavy weight. After nearly 24 years it is still a 24 hour a day/7 day a week pain management problem. I'm now almost 52 and the glory of benching a heavy weight has faded while the misery of the injury has compounded with age.

Who hasn't been hit in the nuts by a racquet ball? Aren't balls a magnet for any other thrown object?
So here is the background story. In the military, on a multi-service base(I am Air Force). Intramural sports team, currently on the soccer team. Torn ligament in my right ankle from a Marine playing dirty soccer last night. Currently have one of those full size walking boots on it.

Here is my question. If the boot is on my right ankle, being the brake side of the foot levers, should I pass on riding my bike to and from work until the boot is removed?

Secondly, anybody else have cool sports injury stories?
Take the boot off, you have a sprain. Put your full moto boots on which offer the same level of protection as the Orthopaedic boot. Ride easy and get on with it. The ligaments not damaged will benefit from a bit of movement.

If it hurts when you ride, you can't wear your boots and it's affecting your riding DON'T RIDE

Really, it's a no brainer.....

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I would wear your riding boots next time you play dirty soccer! I know they won't be afraid, but if you catch them - hahaha - look out!

If you can't put your boot on, stay off the bike.

Yaa - free medical advice from Dr FP!
I voted wait till it heals.

Who hasn't been hit in the nuts by a racquet ball? Aren't balls a magnet for any other thrown object?

Funny you should say that. I accidentally hit my buddy in the nuts with a racquet ball. I remember him turning around, and when the ball came off my racket it made a left hook and hit him squarely in the jewels. It was like a homing missile :BLAA:
If he can do it, you can do it

Lol j/k....really it's up to you.. I know trying to use an extremity thats injured often extends how long it takes to recover, and trying to ride in a boot designed to restrict movement sounds like trouble. If it were me i'd give it some time before i got on the bike... ankles heal much quicker than crash injuries ;)
This is really a question for your doctor, however:

1. Does the ankle still hurt when you put weight down on it?
2. Without weight on the ankle, when you range the ankle, does it hurt?
3. Does the ankle hurt to just touch?

If you can say yes to any of these questions or combination thereof, then you should be off the foot completely for at least 2 weeks. Then I'd start with some ankle strengthening/stabilizing exercises. This would include spelling the alphabet with your toes with foot in the air both the normal orientation and the mirrored/dyslexic orientation. 2 weeks of this and the ankle should start to feel a lot better.

-Dr. Rob
Its no joke dude. wait until you're healed. I used to ride MX with a guy, and would still, until he tore-up his left knee. he continued to ride on it, and messed it up even further (even with a really nice knee brace):spank: safe to say, Roy won't be riding for a few years now, and is having his 3rd surgery in a couple of months.
If you can say yes to any of these questions or combination thereof, then you should be off the foot completely for at least 2 weeks. Then I'd start with some ankle strengthening/stabilizing exercises. This would include spelling the alphabet with your toes with foot in the air both the normal orientation and the mirrored/dyslexic orientation. 2 weeks of this and the ankle should start to feel a lot better.

-Dr. Rob

thanks for the tips! +1
Since nothing in this world makes sense anymore, I say screw it. Now is the time to start working on your wheelies. You will obviously have your brake covered.

I got hit in the nuts with a racquetball.

(Thank you for your service)

Definitely made me laugh!:D
And I appreciate your support of my service ;)
I say park it till all healed up... When my dad was young he was stationed in Hawaii, got away with riding his bike to work for a week with a cast on his right leg (result of a motorcycle accident) until they threatened to give him an article 15 for endangering government property...
just wait, better SAFE then sorry!! :rockon::rockon:

cool sports injury: I tore both my shoulders wrestling in highschool :spank:
well its not that cool, it sucks, hard. they still cause me problems, damn things.
I always thought ankle sprains were no big deal, until a few months ago when I completely rolled my ankle and tore some tendons. Couldn't walk for 3 days, but tried anyways. Didn't feel right for another month or two, and it still hurts sometimes and I can hear the tendons popping.

Take it easy, tendons/ligaments never heal fully and you should be doing everything you can to ease the healing process.