Angry ER-5 Rider


***** Contributor
Jul 15, 2007
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Doncaster UK
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Driving home from work the other day on the M18 and as I was passing a shiny new ER-5 my phone rang ....

I answered and said "I'm driving I'll call you back" As I was pulling the phone away from my ear whilst admiring his spanking new bike he gave me the one handed signal that rhymes with spanker :Flip:

I was gob smacked and pulled in front of him as he waved his fist at me lol ... I honestly felt like pulling up and asking him what his problem was but thought better....

I know that I shouldn't drive whilst on the phone but that just gob smacked me !!!

Kawasaki riders are morons :thumbup:

Glad I didn't buy a zx6 lol
It seems like every other person you see driving in the states is on a cell phone. It's rediculous. I'll admit to doing it, i'm sure many others will too. Then there's the retards that TEXT and drive! Hello!?!?! Idiots! My brother does it and it makes me just want to beat him. Can you imagine if you caused an accident and the police or your insurance company checked your phone record and saw you sent a text at the same time...........
It seems like every other person you see driving in the states is on a cell phone. It's rediculous. I'll admit to doing it, i'm sure many others will too. Then there's the retards that TEXT and drive! Hello!?!?! Idiots! My brother does it and it makes me just want to beat him. Can you imagine if you caused an accident and the police or your insurance company checked your phone record and saw you sent a text at the same time...........

I keep a sign in my car that says "hang up and drive" i show it to all of them! :D
I rarely talk while driving... and JONAC, I'm not a moron! :D

I was driving along one day, with my kids in the back seat (kids 5 & 6 at the time)... I hear the kids counting, "1, 2, 3" then they start yelling ..."GET OFF THE PHONE"....I look in my rear view mirror and see that they both have their thumb to their ear and pinky to their mouth (then hanging up their pretend phone) and they're looking at some dude talking on the phone while driving a moving van. He saw the kids and looked puzzled, then he sped off. I was laughing so damn hard.
LOL :eek: I asked them," where did you learn that." And their response,"from you, you do it all the time." :eek:

I didn't realize that I did it so much that they would catch on. lol

ok well than let me re-phrase.... sounds like you are a good role model for them, J! :thumbup:
Driving home from work the other day on the M18 and as I was passing a shiny new ER-5 my phone rang ....

I answered and said "I'm driving I'll call you back" As I was pulling the phone away from my ear whilst admiring his spanking new bike he gave me the one handed signal that rhymes with spanker :Flip:

I was gob smacked and pulled in front of him as he waved his fist at me lol ... I honestly felt like pulling up and asking him what his problem was but thought better....

I know that I shouldn't drive whilst on the phone but that just gob smacked me !!!

Kawasaki riders are morons :thumbup:

Glad I didn't buy a zx6 lol
Maybe he was having a bad day? technically you were in the wrong mate. Its just one of those things. I know that you are a safe guy, its just wrong time wrong place.

Driving home from work the other day on the M18 and as I was passing a shiny new ER-5 my phone rang ....

I answered and said "I'm driving I'll call you back" As I was pulling the phone away from my ear whilst admiring his spanking new bike he gave me the one handed signal that rhymes with spanker :Flip:

I was gob smacked and pulled in front of him as he waved his fist at me lol ... I honestly felt like pulling up and asking him what his problem was but thought better....

I know that I shouldn't drive whilst on the phone but that just gob smacked me !!!

Kawasaki riders are morons :thumbup:

Glad I didn't buy a zx6 lol

JC let me put it this way,i know you may have only been on the phone a few seconds but if he had been a police officer you would have been looking at a £60 fine and three MORE :eek: points on your licence.So lookin at it like that you got off lightly :p
I keep a sign in my car that says "hang up and drive" i show it to all of them! :D

That's a great idea. The only time I get to drive is when I drive the company truck or van, and I make a great effort not to use the phone because I don't want to be seen or viewed for the same reasons when I see a cager on the phone.
Sorry Bro, but you were wrong on that scenario. I use my phone's speakerphone, it also does like most phone a voice activated calling. A simple press of one button and it prompts me to who I want to call and if a mobile, home or work number is available.
Honestly, I hate making or receiving phone calls while I'm driving. It's too much of a distraction, even with bluetooth. In New Jersey it's an easy 100 smackers if a police pulls you over and in some township the fine could be higher. But thats just one part of the problem, driving really should be only driving. Too many distractions, cellphones, Ipods, laptops etc. Bad enough we can easily distracted by a hot blonde walking by or a nice sports car or bike cruising by.
Driving home from work the other day on the M18 and as I was passing a shiny new ER-5 my phone rang ....

I answered and said "I'm driving I'll call you back" As I was pulling the phone away from my ear whilst admiring his spanking new bike he gave me the one handed signal that rhymes with spanker :Flip:

I was gob smacked and pulled in front of him as he waved his fist at me lol ... I honestly felt like pulling up and asking him what his problem was but thought better....

I know that I shouldn't drive whilst on the phone but that just gob smacked me !!!

Kawasaki riders are morons :thumbup:

Glad I didn't buy a zx6 lol

Talking on your cell phone without a hands free device is actually Illegal here in Nova Scotia as well as Newfoundland in Canada. comes with a whopping $200 fine and a couple points off your license. when you only got 6 don't leave many left for speeding
We have fines and points here in the Uk as well.
The problem is that we dont have too many police out and about to issue them.
They're all on some touchy feely course about how not to offend criminals (sorry officers I know it's a political agenda and not your fault).And anyway cameras are better revenue generators.

I am lucky my satnav has speaker phone and voice activated dialling so I am able to sit back and feel smug about what a fine law abiding citizen I am. Just dont look at the journey logs.:D
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Just thought I'd say Hi on this one having sat back and watched the replies come in.

Firstly, the greatest asset that anyone has is the guts to own up to what they have done and in this case, so publicly. ..Respect!!

Secondly, everyone on this thread has in one way or another I think agreed that the use of hand helds are a bad thing and even the best of us, who consider themselves a good driver has at one time or another made a "faux pa" (I'm dyslexic, so sorry for the bad spooling.. no I mean spelling LOL :D) But were all human and to be human is to err

Thirdly, so the only way to sort this is to switch the phone to Divert, if you use it for Sat Nav or if not, switch it off. Or one day the Law Makers may make it an instant ban if caught. !!!

Personally, if and I have stopped people for this, I do try and educate them in the best way I can to see the error of their ways and sometimes, this is not enough, they dig a hole and a ticket is inevitable.

Society is to blame here as the mobile is now an extension of ourselves and we at the moment just can’t seem to be able to turn that off, when what we must and should do is be alert, aware and concentrating on our driving / riding.

Yes you could argue that all other distractions whilst at the wheel or bars should also be halted, but I can’t answer that. All I know is I have seen the devastating effects that using a mobile brings to the tragedy of a Road Traffic Collision, I have dealt with the injured and the bereaved relatives and I know hand on heart using a phone, regardless as to if it is held or hands free is not the way to go.

Last year, my IAM Instructors wife (pillion) was killed and several others were injured (2 bikes written off), all because a young woman was too busy on the phone, to realise that she was fast approaching a junction where 3 bikes were stopped, waiting to turn.. I’ll leave it to your imagination as to what occurred and what the driver now has to deal with!

So please switch it off or to divert. The above is not intended to offend or preach, I’m just passing on the benefit of my experience as a 20 year bobby and I would hope that you take it just the way I would take advice from any of you who contribute to this really great Biking Forum.

On this matter this Forum it IS 2nd 2 none…. The best, why, because you all care about the road and the biking we love and you who contribute do so, out of what I can see now having been here a few months is because bikes and the Fazer are your passion, thank you.

Best wishes

I fitted a bluetooth handsfree in our car, it switches in seconds between mine and my wifes phone no matter what. Cost about £100.

I understand the frustrations of the ER5 driver, but at the same time, it does p!ss me off that people like that try and police the streets. He was as much in the wrong, if not more so for acting like he did. Where exactly was his attention focused at that time? Not on the road, more on giving Jonac some advice.
Ok .... its a fair cop guv :thumbup:

I will sort out a hands free jobby :)

Still don't encourage his one handed jestures though .... I could have been a raving loony who would ram him off the road :(

ER5 riders still smell ;)
Ok .... its a fair cop guv :thumbup:

I will sort out a hands free jobby :)

Still don't encourage his one handed jestures though .... I could have been a raving loony who would ram him off the road :(

ER5 riders still smell ;)

I've got an HCB300 Sony Ericsson, cost me £60+£40 for an autoleads interface. Parrot do loads too, but I prefered the little unit the SE one has, it has a little light in the middle to tell you whose connected to it, blue for me, pink for the missus! It mutes the stereo and puts audio to the front speakers. You might be lucky, some cars you don't need the £40 interface for (pugs I think), Renault and BMW mini you will..