Android Kit Kat for: RazR M, HD & Maxx is rolling out

Went out and got a new S5. The old S3 was never meant to get Kit Kat. So says the Samsumg ladie at Best Buy. But leave it to Sprint to screw it up.

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
i too was forced to update on my razr hd a couple weeks ago, overall...... not horrible and even a few things i like/dont mind but there are more that just piss me off.

i loved the former unlock screen! left,right,up,down during unlock went to a different function, now you have to unlock and choose. more of an annoying inconvinence.

i only had to reinstall a couple apps, what i did have to do was "throw them away" from the home screen and re drop them from the main app menu.

havent tried the bt yet, but i had to redo the wifes items

GREY SCALE SUCKS! as i use wifi at work all the time and it is in and out due to building design and locations it was nice to glance and see if white or blue = connected or not! now you just guess at it?

dial pad quite different but not horrible

alarm clock is horrible! i use mine as a secondary alarm and before was huge snooze, or vol buttons would snooze, now you have to swipe one way for snooze and the other turns off, as does the vol keys.

as someone mentioned before about the texts, you cannot read last thing said and is harder to tell who said what CAUSE GRAY SCALE SUCKS!

the auto dim is annoyingly quick to dim very low! before you could say hold it in a ray of light to brighten the screen then as long as it wasnt terribly dark, as long as you had decent ambiant light it would stay bright till either the screen shut off you you shut it off. now even with good amebient light if not held directly in the brighter light it dims down quite a bit making it harder to see the screen. i may have to just turn the auto dim off, and adjust it mannualy. ( sucks cause i am in and outside a fair bit and fussing with brighness all the time sucks)

wifi seems like it takes a bit more to connect sometimes, but seems to work decently aside

seems like the touch sensitivity is different now too, there are several things that take more "effort" to do. like you cant swipe something, you have to touch and drag it with pourpuse ..

batt life seems pretty normal maybe like it takes a little longer to charge but nothing hugely noticable

all in all not bad just annoying little things that were mostly taken away that i had before, if i had the choice i would not choose the update! but force updates are what they are i guess.

ok i think i am done ranting now! bastards
If the update was that bad on my phone I'd just get an Iphone because that seems to be what the newest Android update is...An Iphone upgrade lol! But really I think it is is about how to roll over phones quickly now. Degrading the interface and trashing the phone gives the user that feeling of just getting a new phone. I've noticed they've been busy in board rooms trying to squeak more into their wallets by changing policies on upgrades. They want 10 bucks more a month so I can upgrade my technology habit every 6 months now!

I may just go back to a clamshell or VO27Mhz (Voice Over 27 megahertz) a CB set! Lol! If that doesn't work I can get a conch shell and sit on the beach listening to my tinnitus in my old age while reading a real paper book as I loose my contemplating where I've been and where I'm going, reading the Power of Now.....:rockon::cool:
I started a list in my head that pretty much mirrors all you wrote.

Its really pretty sadening to think that they would intentionally make us hate a product so as to force us to get rid of it, but I swear there must be truth in it.

That said; what conclusion would be drawn had we bought AS IS NOW and became a userr? Still full of hate or just WTF where they thinking??

Yes, in time I found a quick mute; Power button - then swipe. Like the old way better.
Battery - is back to ALMOST lasting as it did, but about 8hrs short, so 1.5 days on charge. I had to simply toggle thing to another state and put them back.
TXT interface - sucks! Have not tried an add on or Hangout.

BluTooth was a PITA for 3 of the 4 devices I use. They just would not find each other. Do people hack BT? Why up the security that much in discovery mode?

Overall I feel like everything takes twice as much action to get the same results. Certainly not efficient in the hands of user.

One more gripe - txt msg; strings longer than 140+ characters sometimes come in "tale end first" while other times its 'normal'.... And from the same user w/out any special characters. AND WTF is all the CRAP USELESS EMO junk! What a waste! Why on earth would I send any of those stupid characters to anyone? Not to mention having to tap the several times to make a return paragraph. STUPID!!!

/rant for this post...