Am I missing something here?


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Jun 19, 2009
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Hi All,
Newbie to the FZ stuff here and been away from all bikes for about 13 years.
Just picked up an early 2005 registered bike with what I am told is a genuine 2400 miles on it! It's on the documents as a FZ6 Fazer. Has an upper fairing but no lowers.
I don't know whether it was a 2004 model out late or a 2005 model early in the year.
Is there anywhere a pictorial or at least idiot proof guide to the various varations on the FZ 6 so I can tell what mine is etc?:confused:
Sorry If I sound thinck but I did break my head:Flip:
I think you'll find that the 04/05/06 are all exactly the same
The Vin plate generally shows the production date though
I'm also pretty sure the lower faired models are much much newer, sounds like you have a FZ6S
Chuck up some pictures if you can that might help.
Thanks Zeladin.
I just got the Frame number from the M.O.T. certificate and speaketh to Yamaha U.K. It is a FZ6S.
I think it was confusion about year model, I mean he obviously knew it was a motorcycle :D

age is just a number right?

anyway, what color schemes do you have? toss up some pictures and we'll try to figure it out. Also if you can get a pic of the VIN plate
Haha its amazing how that works isn't it :D
The mind is an amazing thing.
Once you are passed your teens it doesn't really matter :p
I know the last few people to ask me have gotten the wrong answer, mainly because I haven't thought about it in a few years