almost there!

Hello! been riding on twisties im almos there....what do you think? is the part that left the most dificult/dangerus or should i go for it anyway? thank you!

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little Sofy takes a look too :)
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Just because you have got "Chicken Strips", doesnt mean that you are not getting on it....some tyres, depending on their profile, will sometimes always have a chicken strip, it also depends on how the tyre interaxts with your suspension set up...

If the bike is very stiffly set up, and your tyres centre height is quite high, like on some 55 profile tyres, you may never get rid of the chicken strip with that tyre...

Whatever, just ride within your own limits, and dont just try to use all the tyre cause you think you should.

I had a set of Conti Sport Attavks all of the time they were on my bike...then went to a set of Bridgestone BT003's, and with that set of tyres, i used all the tyre, both front & back...

just fidling around with my bike on a twisty no traffic road, i dont take risks or smth im just trying to have some fun
Riding to get further to the edge on a tyre is not smart. It depends on so many factors as others have mentioned. Even if you're doing a track day you may not use all the tyre. Just ride your bike man and stop worrying. Definitely do not "go for it" :)
^^Getting some good advice here I reckon.

They look like Sportmax's. They can get pretty hard, and be pretty slick (had them on on my FZ1 when I got it, and the loaner ZR7 I rode for a while.) i hated started sliding well before they got to the edge, and straight line performance in the wet was shocking.

If you're happy with your level of fun and safety, why push it? I'm always looking at learning the roads better, and working on my lines to fit lumps and road imperfections into wanna get the "perfect run" from home to Lobethal (about 70km of twisties). The smoothest, most flowing, most non mid corner adjusting run I can.....mmmmm Perfect! Unfortunately, people then ride with you down bumpy roads, and curse you for taking any road which happens to come along, 'cause you know where the bumps are....LMAO. (they're ALL bumpy in the Adelaide hills though)

Sounds like you're loving life on the FZ though:thumbup::cheer::D, stay safe and enjoy mate.

Edit.....They are 55 series. Just clicked on the pic. Geometry isn't right for using the whole tire. You can "wander" of the edge of the front. As they wear down, they will inevitably square off a little and you keep getting closer to the edge. Definitely don't go for it. Sorry. Only just spotted that.
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they are pirelli diablo corsa 3 and they have 500km on them. the size is the default factory one. Thanks for the advice, the road im practising is very good and has no other vihicles cause it was used as a detour while the main road was being made. i enjoy pushing it a little got the pics just after a few tries (6-7 turns) i actualy got a little bit further after this. im trying to find the limit without droping the bike. i thought it might come in handy on a road situation.
even though i have the bike 4 years i barely rode it the past 3,5. i was working like 18 hours the day and such. i rode only work-home and back. now i work normal times and i have the time to Ride For Fun

RFF :smoking: i almost forgot the reason i bought the bike until i registered to this forum :)

EDIT: one last thing you got wrong about me, i just feel that im not in the limit while i try this. im not trying to erase my chicken strips so that i can moan around and brag
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It all depends on how you ride as well. Are you hanging off and practicing proper technique? If so, this means the bike remains more upright while you are in the corner and also means you will corner faster with less lean. The truth to how you ride would be shown with what the front tire has for wear. This tells us if you are in a proper (kiss the mirror) position and far enough forward to give your bike's front tire the proper bite.

Learn the technique and practice it but keep the speeds down. Speed will come with each technique learned. But, please, save the speed for the track, ok? :thumnup:
i think i have it somewhere lemme see...

oh here it is. now tell me about it!!!
i got about 2-3mm more in the back and 1cm more to the front now this tell us 2 different positions but wich was the right one? i think the second
no speed at all

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any nice videos about riding position?
now we are getting to a point!
Here is one of my favorites from behind. Notice the body movement, positioning and how far the rider leans forward when the corners get tighter.

[ame=]YouTube - Learning body position Take 1[/ame]
I have almost no chicken strip on my rear tire. I have never had a front tire that did not have a decent size chicken strip on it. I look at it this way, the longer you ride the bike the more comfortable you will get with it. If you never get comfortable enough to lay the bike over that far so what! The most important thing is that you are having a blast!:thumbup:
I have almost no chicken strip on my rear tire. I have never had a front tire that did not have a decent size chicken strip on it. I look at it this way, the longer you ride the bike the more comfortable you will get with it. If you never get comfortable enough to lay the bike over that far so what! The most important thing is that you are having a blast!:thumbup:

I totally agree!

But, if you're going to do serious corner/canyon carving then it is a matter of safety to the rider to learn proper technique. With proper technique, that "blast" is a ton better! :D

The front will almost always have a strip as that is very hard to scrub off. Body position and proper braking in extreme cornering is key to the front wear but front wear should ONLY be done at the track. That type of riding is too aggressive for the streets.
I used a safe, unique method to get rid of my chicken strips:


haha i thought of it too but my goal is not to remove chicken strips but to use all the potential of my bike and get used to using it... nvm thank you all for your comments :)
Last ride me and my dad did we both road similar speeds and after a particularly windy part he commented how much further out on my tyres I had worn than him, its riding style as much as anything, he is used to old school bikes with much thinner tyres and corners differently to me.

I also tend to roll on the throttle alot more than he does through corners.

I also am using the OEM tryes so they are totally horrible if you ask me and I don't push them. Now its getting colder I notice how much slower they warm up, and its not fun!
All good advice you're getting here tomari. Don't be in a rush to get rid of your chicken lines, that's a sure fire way to having an off, it'll come with time...

There are many different factors and techniques involved in cornering and we all differ from one to another. I'm quite physical on the bike, I need to get my weight on the inside and over the front end to get right down, works for me! I've got no lines on the rear but there is still a small one on the front, always will be.
Using your chicken strips as an indicator of whether you're riding properly or as a target to achieve makes little sense.

Your target should be to be smooth and always in control... oh and to stay alive... chicken strips literally won't tell you anything (I've seen bad riders with no chicken strips and great riders with 1inch strips...).

Read Sport Riding Techniques by Nick Ienatsch...