Almost got killed by lady Drivers


Ride like you own it..!
Mar 31, 2015
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Charlotte, NC
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I guess I deserve my own thread with list of lady Driver's trying to kill me, everyday.

I would like to know whether I can give a police complaint on either of these two women.

I definitely can get the plates of the minivan, and a partial of the 2nd one.

The third one is an old one, but I don't have mistake on most of my part(I guess), I have turn signals on and I did looked over my shoulder, luckily, I didn't go completely into the lane.

The main reason I'm pissed off from the 2nd one, is that she flip me when I asked for an explanation.
She wasn't sorry. either.

Before you comment, please watch the complete video and then, take your time and assess my riding style.
I need your knowledge, not your stupidity.

Edit 2:
I don't want to get rear ended like this, there are many more videos similar to this.
That is the reason I stay on the driver side of the lane, to see the driver's face in the side mirror.
I learned from MSF, in 2012;

For example:
at 1:30. and 2:30;
The reason I go next to the car is again, to avoid being in the video from edit 2.

Edit 3:
The actual road of the Minivan Video:
You can see there is no visibility of such hazards on the road, not only me, but no one has any idea. That was my mistake of bad editing, removing the main part of the video.!
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Video 1: I don't know why traffic stopped. Have a bigger following distance so you don't have to lane change at short notice.

Video 2: legally, her fault. Pragmatically, take a better lane position. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

Video 3: I don't know what you were doing with that Mercedes. At at least one point you moved left without proper shoulder and mirror checks, and cut them up. From what I could see, that's when they started playing silly buggers with you.

As a general observation you should maybe ditch the camera and use your head more. Lane position is sloppy (hence the chancer in video 2). Lane changes are sloppy (lack of observation, this was evident in your avoidance manoeuvre in video 1 as well). And your position relative to other traffic is lazy (sitting in blind spots, not watching for potential lane changes from other road users).

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#1, typical, dumb... run out of gas sit on the highway.. You, IMO, should try looking farther ahead for this crap, just defensive driving...Could have been really bad for you.(she'd be at fault for blocking the roadway, but it doesn't help you with a crashed bike, injuries, etc).

#2 Flat ignorant, doesn't know how to drive, in a hurry, nasty..... She knew she was safe in her cage from you...

#3, He was playing "Speed Police". As you were making decent time, he got ahead of you to MAKE you slow down... Very dangerous guy..

A couple things if I may mention. At least once you had a car right next to you (on the left). Get ahead of them or behind them. They often forget quickly
that your there(especially with the stock muffler, your so quiet!).

A couple of passes were kinda close (and I sometimes do the same). Not sure but possibly the Mecedes guy spotted that, got pissed and intervened..
Video 1: I don't know why traffic stopped. Have a bigger following distance so you don't have to lane change at short notice.

Video 2: legally, her fault. Pragmatically, take a better lane position. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

Video 3: I don't know what you were doing with that Mercedes. At at least one point you moved left without proper shoulder and mirror checks, and cut them up. From what I could see, that's when they started playing silly buggers with you.

As a general observation you should maybe ditch the camera and use your head more. Lane position is sloppy (hence the chancer in video 2). Lane changes are sloppy (lack of observation, this was evident in your avoidance manoeuvre in video 1 as well). And your position relative to other traffic is lazy (sitting in blind spots, not watching for potential lane changes from other road users).

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The Mercedes video is handlebar mount camera, I did checked my shoulder.
I try to avoid blind spots, can you tell me which video I'm Riding in blind spots?

1. Why traffic stopped, watch the video, you'll see her stupidity as bonus.
2. That is a 90 degree right turn coming off of interstate, entering into the city roads.i have to really slow down, as there will be cars stopped due to intersection signals.
I have enough space, because , if the car behind me couldn't stop, at least she don't run into me, but she took advantage and I looked like an idiot to give her space. She did the mistake and flipped me, which pissed me off.
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#1, typical, dumb... run out of gas sit on the highway.. You, IMO, should try looking farther ahead for this crap, just defensive driving...Could have been really bad for you.(she'd be at fault for blocking the roadway, but it doesn't help you with a crashed bike, injuries, etc).

#2 Flat ignorant, doesn't know how to drive, in a hurry, nasty..... She knew she was safe in her cage from you...

#3, He was playing "Speed Police". As you were making decent time, he got ahead of you to MAKE you slow down... Very dangerous guy..

A couple things if I may mention. At least once you had a car right next to you (on the left). Get ahead of them or behind them. They often forget quickly
that your there(especially with the stock muffler, your so quiet!).

A couple of passes were kinda close (and I sometimes do the same). Not sure but possibly the Mecedes guy spotted that, got pissed and intervened..

The Mercedes guy, he came out of nowhere, I never cut him off, I sped up on the right lane, to pass that Mercedes to avoid the traffic in my lane, I'll watch the video again, once I go home.

The minivan, it is parked in an invisible location. As you can see when I tried to push the car, another accord didn't see until I wave hand to slow down.
I was counting the cars when I observed the traffic is slowing down, I remember there should be a white SUV behind the teal Chevy sedan. So, when I wanted to change the lanes, I know there will be two vehicles.

I'll take another video of that under construction road, when there is no traffic.
I usually just weave and get ahead of all the traffic, just to keep myself clear on the road. I'm pretty sure I learned enough of blind spots and try to avoid them, may be, I'm doing something wrong. I'll try to avoid blind spots, more cautiously. Thank You .
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Video three, silver car on your left (is that the Mercedes?), and a few other spots where you seem to hesitate in exactly the wrong position. But conversely, there's a fee spots where you obviously power out of blind spots.

How are you doing shoulder and mirror checks? On my second watch through I could see the Mercedes in your mirror on the footage. You shouldn't have been anywhere near that lane change.

A couple of tips for dealing with this crap.

The first is obvious. Look further forward. She could have stupidly run out of gas. Or genuinely had a medical emergency at the wheel. It doesn't matter. You've got to react early.

The second one, take charge of your lane. Make that bike ten feet wide and ten feet tall. There were lots of spots, especially when you're waiting to turn left that you leave the entire lane open for someone to come up the side of you, and ride your back wheel as you pull away. When that woman came up the side of you, I was honestly wondering if you were you coming up to another left turn lane.

And thirdly, and this is the big one. LET. IT. GO. The first video you weren't looking where you were going while you were beeping the woman that stopped. The second video you nearly ran in to the back of a line of traffic because you were arguing with the woman. And I'm pretty sure the last video was caused entirely by two egos on a highway. If he thinks he's the big boss man in a Mercedes, just let him go. The throttle works both ways.

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You got off your bike to tell two lady's that ran out of gas they need to push the car off the road? Why didn't you be a man and offer to help? I am floored by your arrogance! I don't know how men are in your country but real men in America offer to help ladies you sorry ass.

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Only watched the 2nd video because that's the one you said that got you upset the most. I agree 110% with Payneib, you need to do a better job of selecting your lane position. You were riding too close to the left shoulder, leaving tons of space for the driver to pass. Can't say it hasn't ever happened to me, because it has and it was for the same reason. I blamed myself for letting it happen. I didn't challenge the driver. I just said I need to do a better job protecting my lane.

It's great you are recording your rides, I have begun doing the same. But you need to edit, show us the good stuff. But watching the entire video provide some clues on why it happened. You create way too much space in your lane. The double left hand turn at the beginning of the video was another example. You need to turn and maintain your lane forcing the car turning inside of you to do the same. I always have my horn covered in those situations since most drivers have a bad habit of swinging wide, rather than turning into their nearest lane.
You got off your bike to tell two lady's that ran out of gas they need to push the car off the road? Why didn't you be a man and offer to help? I am floored by your arrogance! I don't know how men are in your country but real men in America offer to help ladies you sorry ass.

He is in the US and he did push the car by HIMSELF. He put himself in harms way at that point... Watch the whole video...

YOU should be embarrassed with your last statement which CERTAINLY doesn't speak for this American,
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No I didn't watch the whole video.

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Only watched the 2nd video because that's the one you said that got you upset the most. I agree 110% with Payneib, you need to do a better job of selecting your lane position. You were riding too close to the left shoulder, leaving tons of space for the driver to pass. Can't say it hasn't ever happened to me, because it has and it was for the same reason. I blamed myself for letting it happen. I didn't challenge the driver. I just said I need to do a better job protecting my lane.

It's great you are recording your rides, I have begun doing the same. But you need to edit, show us the good stuff. But watching the entire video provide some clues on why it happened. You create way too much space in your lane. The double left hand turn at the beginning of the video was another example. You need to turn and maintain your lane forcing the car turning inside of you to do the same. I always have my horn covered in those situations since most drivers have a bad habit of swinging wide, rather than turning into their nearest lane.

I would add, to the double lane left turn, down here, easily 75% of the time, they'll change lanes into yours.

If I'm in that same position, I simply out accelerate (nothing wild needed) and get away from the potential threat...
No I didn't watch the whole video.

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You might want to...

He put himself in the roadway to help, (I would NOT without a marked police car with top lights on) and literally pushed the van)

I would have strongly suggested they get out of the van as their a big target and a wreck waiting to happen..
All great suggestions except the jerky response from the idiot with screen name jesse_sanders.

You are lucky and doing something right to avoid so many close calls. I would strongly second the suggestion to make your bike feel 10 feet wide and 10 feet tall. Ride as if you are not only invisible but they are intentionally trying to kill you. Especially during the rush hour, MOST of the people (including myself) are in a hurry and are trying to multi-task while driving which makes it even more dangerous to ride in traffic. I personally weave a little within my lane (like you do before hitting the twisties to open up the muscles) to make myself more visible. If it stays stationary, often people tend to forget the little dot that is your taillight. I also give a few very light squeezes to the brake before actually applying it. It kind of gives a signal to people behind me that I am either slowing down or coming to a stop.

Having ridden with you a couple of times I can attest that you are a safe rider most of the times. However there are a couple of things that can potentially be worked on:
1. I get the point to get away from the cluster of vehicles, but I wouldn't split lanes. I think it's illegal in NC.
2. Don't try to stop or flip the person in a car WHILE still riding, you don't know their mental state or how they are going to react to it even if they are at fault. It almost never ends well for the person on two wheels. First priority should be to return to what I call as "the normal state of riding" from this escalated level with testosterone running high.
3. Your rear turn signals are tiny and almost invisible in daytime or evening. Upgrade them to something more visible or return to stock ones.

I am glad you rode out of those situations that could easily have been worse. Ride safe!
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Video three, silver car on your left (is that the Mercedes?), and a few other spots where you seem to hesitate in exactly the wrong position. But conversely, there's a fee spots where you obviously power out of blind spots.
No, at 3:12, some other vehicle, at 4:40, yes, it is that vehicle, and the reason I switched lanes at 4:48, is because, a 2 lane merge is coming from the right side and the traffic will move to the left, like the vehicle in front of me, at 4:50 (far most right lane).
and I sped up a bit, to make sure I gave enough room for everyone.
And I went behind him, to get the license tags.
How are you doing shoulder and mirror checks? On my second watch through I could see the Mercedes in your mirror on the footage. You shouldn't have been anywhere near that lane change.
Where did you see the Mercedes in my mirror?

The first is obvious. Look further forward.
She could have stupidly run out of gas.
Yes, she stupidly ran out of gas.
It doesn't matter. You've got to react early.

The second one, take charge of your lane. Make that bike ten feet wide and ten feet tall. There were lots of spots, especially when you're waiting to turn left that you leave the entire lane open for someone to come up the side of you, and ride your back wheel as you pull away. When that woman came up the side of you, I was honestly wondering if you were you coming up to another left turn lane.

I know you're trying to help me, but, that is a right turn, and traffic will go complete stop over there, and I may like sandwich massage, but not certainly with two cars.

And thirdly, and this is the big one. LET. IT. GO. The first video you weren't looking where you were going while you were beeping the woman that stopped.

I wanted to communicate with her, that I'll be approaching her on foot, as I already decided, they might need some help or some class.

The second video you nearly ran in to the back of a line of traffic because you were arguing with the woman.

I know there is no traffic behind the vehicle on the far left and I'm running late for the office, I prefer to deal with cops, than myself.
I did not ran into the traffic, I went to the very far left lane, which is my turn and there is a green, if i miss it, I have to wait for 3 mins under the hot sun.

And I'm pretty sure the last video was caused entirely by two egos on a highway.
I went behind that guy to get license tags, I know I can't win a stupid car guy..!
I know the insurance laws here, even if I did a brake check in the middle of the interstate and the guy run in to me, it is his mistake.

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You might want to...

He put himself in the roadway to help, (I would NOT without a marked police car with top lights on) and literally pushed the van)

I would have strongly suggested they get out of the van as their a big target and a wreck waiting to happen..

Thanks Scott, I checked thoroughly that there is no traffic coming, as you can see, I tried to control the first batch and I was very alert(she pissing me off helped to be more aggressive and helpful).
I was looking in the reflection of the windshield to be more cautious, and still that bitch didn't try to put it all the way to the side, after I'm done teaching her hazard signals, I see other people still fell inconvenient to stay in that lane.
Only watched the 2nd video because that's the one you said that got you upset the most. I agree 110% with Payneib, you need to do a better job of selecting your lane position. You were riding too close to the left shoulder, leaving tons of space for the driver to pass. Can't say it hasn't ever happened to me, because it has and it was for the same reason. I blamed myself for letting it happen. I didn't challenge the driver. I just said I need to do a better job protecting my lane.

It's great you are recording your rides, I have begun doing the same. But you need to edit, show us the good stuff. But watching the entire video provide some clues on why it happened. You create way too much space in your lane. The double left hand turn at the beginning of the video was another example. You need to turn and maintain your lane forcing the car turning inside of you to do the same. I always have my horn covered in those situations since most drivers have a bad habit of swinging wide, rather than turning into their nearest lane.

Again, the reason I went to the farthest of my lane is to protect myself, as I experienced first hand, people come to a complete halt there, because that lane is Yield to on-coming traffic on the left.

The videos are edited, I want to show that I didn't cut off in the past so, I put it from the beginning of the main part, as you can see, the minivan video was edited according to that.
As a general observation you should maybe ditch the camera and use your head more.
Camera is to show proof and learn more, like this.
lack of observation, this was evident in your avoidance manoeuvre
I count cars on my left and right, how many and what car I overtook, what they are doing, observe their tire, if they are coming into my lane, I honk.

I come from a country where we use horn, before the brakes. I learned on roads where you might get a dog or a cow, or a child, or an old man/woman who can't walk more than 1 step per 2 seconds or a bicyclist or a 3 wheel auto in the middle of the road, without any warning. I'm not bloating, I'm just giving out information, I might sound rude, but I'm really thankful for your insight.
Thanks Scott, I checked thoroughly that there is no traffic coming, as you can see, I tried to control the first batch and I was very alert(she pissing me off helped to be more aggressive and helpful).
I was looking in the reflection of the windshield to be more cautious, and still that bitch didn't try to put it all the way to the side, after I'm done teaching her hazard signals, I see other people still fell inconvenient to stay in that lane.

Yep, I saw you looking.

Its very nice on your part and I've pushed many cars in my career BUT I had a Crown Vic with red and blue top lights to keep me from becoming dead..
Unless another cage stops behind with 4 ways on, its just not worth chancing your life on it.. Good guys finish last..

And yes, I saw you trying with the emergency signals without much luck.

Nowadays, at least down here, road rage is bad and confronting a stranger can turn very bad..
You got off your bike to tell two lady's that ran out of gas they need to push the car off the road? Why didn't you be a man and offer to help? I am floored by your arrogance! I don't know how men are in your country but real men in America offer to help ladies you sorry ass.

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Real men in America offer a public apology when it is pointed out that they are so clearly wrong.... floored by arrogance, indeed.