Advice wanted for track day virgin


Junior Member
May 21, 2012
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Bristol, UK
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Hey all, having been a keen rider for 3 years now I am looking to do my first track day, I have my 2 piece leathers now and I am just looking at which track to go to. I currently have an FZ6 so it should be great fun on a track, anyone have some experience of taking one on the track?

Track wise I am looking at Castlecombe or Silverstone, silverstone looks more attractive with better facilities, better track with more space, not to mention for the same price you get more track time. But Castlecombe is a lot closer for me. Any one experienced on either or both that can give some advice?

Lastly, I've been riding 600cc bikes for three years now, an xj600 diversion and an fz6, keeping this in mind I plan to book into a novice / beginner session, does anyone have any good advice for a track virgin?
tbh I thought you got less tracktime at silerstone, as they ran more groups, so you only got 15mins per hour, instead of the usual 20mins.

castle combe might have noise issues, but should be no problem if you have a standard exhaust.

if you aren't planning on using tyre warmers then either should be fine, I think CC is a bit smaller, so might be more fun

if you have a centre stand on then you probably want to take that off, the side stand scrapes next after that.

i've taken my fz6 on track a couple of times, but now I have a dedicated track bike
Have fun, listen to your instructors, do what they say, and remember it isn't a race.
You will find you are a MUCH better rider when you can focus on just your riding.

But do take note that as the day carries on and you get increasingly comfortable, keep something in the bag. Don't feel as though you have to run at your absolute quickest just because you are on a racetrack.

Your focus should be primarily on:

-running smooth [giving consistent and smooth inputs to your bike]
-running the right line consistently and smoothly [trying to hit the same tip-in, apex, and exit each time around]

^keywords consistent and smooth

Quick final point, just don't be nervous. Relax, clear your mind, and have fun. Then set aside 20% of your per annum income in the coming year to feed your growing addiction.

Post pictures and/or vid!!!

P.S. Insurance never covers track incidents. If you can find one that does, let us know! Haha

P.P.S. This is in the wrong subforum it should be in
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Thanks for all the feedback, very useful tips, I will be taking the GoPro so I will for sure upload some videos all going well!

Has anyone out there in the UK ever ridden on Silverstone or Castlecombe before? Any feedback regarding which track to visit?
If you're in Bristol then just go to castle combe. It's just down the road whereas Silverstone is miles away!

I'm off to do the Ron Haslam race school next month then after that I'll maybe do a few castle combe track days after that.
I have only been on track at Castle Combe and to be honest I was Sh1t... the bike was fine- it was just me- with my camera on the speedo and the road (handlebar mount) I found I never went over 80 and was lapper by everyone in 1/4 hour

That was a disorganised day as part of Avon and Somerset bikesafe with a mixed group and I happen to know that the guys at Castle Combe will even give you one to one if you say you are a novice and that is the best way as if you go out in a group with the instructor- unless you are at the front you soon get so strung out you will have no chance of getting the lines right

As has been said- go out and enjoy it. My brother in law has been there several times and swears by it- good instructors not too challenging a course and by the sound of it not too far- get some fuel in before you go.

My FZ6 passed the noise regs with a standard exhaust no problem- they make you run up to 2/3rds full revs so about 12 k for us owners
Thanks for all the feedback, very useful tips, I will be taking the GoPro so I will for sure upload some videos all going well!

Has anyone out there in the UK ever ridden on Silverstone or Castlecombe before? Any feedback regarding which track to visit?

If you at any point feel that the thought of "it's recording" is having an influence on your riding style then turn it off!
Have experienced a few guys that had a bad tendency to overtake on corners where they shouldn't have because they had a camera strapped to the bike...
my tip is it's usually easier to overtake novices on the outside of a corner, as they will be trying to hit the apex. Just watch out for them running wide as they come out though.
P.S. Insurance never covers track incidents. If you can find one that does, let us know! Haha

depends, a lot of guys on my local forum are track day addicts and say they're covered. Check your policy, they often cover instructional type events - track days instructional non-racing environments which use a race track. Track racing they usually wont cover.

That being said, focus on being smooth, rather than being fast. work on your lines and reference points - speed comes from that, in the form of faster lap times. You don't want to be one of the "fast in the straights, slow in the corners" guys.
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I have only been on track at Castle Combe and to be honest I was Sh1t... the bike was fine- it was just me- with my camera on the speedo and the road (handlebar mount) I found I never went over 80 and was lapper by everyone in 1/4 hour

That was a disorganised day as part of Avon and Somerset bikesafe with a mixed group and I happen to know that the guys at Castle Combe will even give you one to one if you say you are a novice and that is the best way as if you go out in a group with the instructor- unless you are at the front you soon get so strung out you will have no chance of getting the lines right

As has been said- go out and enjoy it. My brother in law has been there several times and swears by it- good instructors not too challenging a course and by the sound of it not too far- get some fuel in before you go.

My FZ6 passed the noise regs with a standard exhaust no problem- they make you run up to 2/3rds full revs so about 12 k for us owners

Sounds good, Im sure people will be lapping me but I guess the way I am looking at it is that i'm not going there to try and keep up with the others, I'm there purely to enjoy the nice corners without the fear of a car pulling out. Also on a plus side 2 of my friends (also track day virgins) are looking to come along with me, so we most likely will be riding together with similar abilities and experience.

Do you know what the standard exhaust read on the decibel counter? I have a Beowulf exhaust fitted so it is louder than standard, although with baffles in I dont think its too bad..

If you at any point feel that the thought of "it's recording" is having an influence on your riding style then turn it off!
Have experienced a few guys that had a bad tendency to overtake on corners where they shouldn't have because they had a camera strapped to the bike...

This is very true, even on the road I've had to tell myself to calm down all because I had a camera strapped to the bike. I may take it with me, try and strap it somewhere that's not right in front of me and just forget about it. But otherwise great advice on just turning it off or better still removing it!

my tip is it's usually easier to overtake novices on the outside of a corner, as they will be trying to hit the apex. Just watch out for them running wide as they come out though.

Is overtaking allowed in the Corners? I've read the Castlecomb track day notes on their website and it mentions that overtaking in braking areas or corners is not allowed. Do people still do it? Personally I dont think I will be overtaking anyone but I would like to be aware of where other people may overtake me.