Adjusting Headlights after Dual Mod


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May 25, 2008
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I finally did the dual headlight mod. Thanks to all prior poster's and Biker Dude for their insights. I think it came out very nice and clean looking.

I did my mod where I have two high beams and two low beams.

I was wondering if anyone has suggestions or method for focusing the beams? I want to get maxium distance on high beams, but want to make sure that the low beams are not too high and shining into the on coming lane?

Oh, and about the Flag connectors? I could only find 6.3mm ones. But the stock connectors are like 8mm. So I had to file down the connector blade on the bulb to make them fit? Did everyone else have this issue, or were you able to find the right size clip? If you found the right size, please let me know where to get some to I can make the change. I want to have the plugs sized correctly so the only thing that needs modification is the bulb collar.
That link has a basic write up of how to do it,(it's for a car, but the same principles apply).

It's a bit harder on the bike, because the headlights are so close together, but if you cover the right side up, adjust the left... Then do the same with the other light, you should be good.

Just remember, at the start, park the bike (must be on wheels.. not the centre stand) directly in front of a wall, shed door etc, mark the levels with tape, then move the bike back to get the correct height.

Hope that helps.


Oh yeah, and if you haven't got the manual, download it from here...

It tells you where to find the adjusting bolts if you don't know wheree they are.
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I've never adjusted the lights, even on my brand new headlamp assembly. I did the dual low beam mod and both lights were aimed at the same level in the road.
I had to adjust mine after I bought it (or after the first service???), they were set too high. Maybe it was my fat butt on it that dragged the back down, or it was set too high because it was on the centre stand when they adjusted it???

I still haven't done the dual head-light mod, but I've got a couple of weeks off work now, so might get around to doing it :thumbup:

About a year ago in the Dutch Promotor magazine there was an article about adjusting your headlights, I'll have to dig it out. It definately said to sit on the bike after adjustment to check that the beam is set up right.
Thanks Stumbles and BCR for the article refs and to Cloggy and SR for the replies . I should be able to handle it now.
Both my beams were REALLY low from stock. After swapping bulbs and doing the headlight mod I brought them both up a lot! You can see how much extra here.
There was a thread here somewhere about adjusting the light's. What i did was put the bike on the center stand and put some books under the rear wheel to put the front tire on the floor, then there a 2 bolt's on each side of the light housing and adjust the screws to the levels you want. I also have the dual headlight mod and i never use the high beams. If anyone wants to know what screws i am talking about, just let me know and i will post a picture of which bolts i am talking about.