Aching Leg


May 20, 2009
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Hi all,

I’ve been to the doctor the last couple of days. Been through blood tests, xrays and been poked and prodded. Basically, my left leg below the knee is aching. Its not in any one spot and its not constant although it does get reasonably intense on occasion. I wanted to rule out anything like DVT or Tendonitis (I do a fair amount of running) or even cancer but that all seems to be good. Nothing on the xray and nothing in the bloods.

I’m now left with the idea that my bike is causing this.

I’ve had my FZ6 now for about 6 weeks and come to think of it, its been about a month or two since the pain started. I haven’t noticed it on other bikes though.

Has anyone else experienced such a thing?

Maybe my controls are set up wrong? The clutch lever seems pretty comfortable and I think adjusting it would make me strain one way or the other. The lever doesn’t seem stiff – and its just been in for a service. Maybe I’m speed shifting a little more than I used to.

My next step is going to a physio or just live with it. I’m leaning towards option 2 but wondered if anyone had any suggestions.
Below the knee in the front or in the back??

The front sounds like some kind of problem with your the fibers between your bones.... The back sounds like your calf muscles.... Did they do an electrolyte panel?? Often, calcium or potassium deficiencies manifest with crampy calves...

If its the front I would do a lot of stretching bringing your toes to your knee...

Hope that helps
Below the knee in the front or in the back??

The front sounds like some kind of problem with your the fibers between your bones.... The back sounds like your calf muscles.... Did they do an electrolyte panel?? Often, calcium or potassium deficiencies manifest with crampy calves...

If its the front I would do a lot of stretching bringing your toes to your knee...

Hope that helps

Thanks Dave. Not so sure about the mineral deficiencies. Its not really so much a cramp as more like some mad Chinese doctor has managed to get an acupuncture needle into my fibula and is twisting. That's the best way I can describe the pain I'm afraid. Its not localised anywhere beyond "somewhere in my lower leg" but definitely not the front or back. By below the knee I mean EVERYTHING below the knee but above the ankle so o electrolyte panel (that's to check the minerals right?)

I do a fair amount of stretching in karate (and no I haven't been kicked anywhere lately).

Option 2. And maybe some Vicodin?

You might be right there. Probably going to just deal with it for the moment. Was just wondering if someone here had experienced something similar. Probably just me and my 'unique' riding style.
acupuncture needle into my fibula and is twisting. That's the best way I can describe the pain I'm afraid. Its not localised anywhere beyond "somewhere in my lower leg" but definitely not the front or back.

It sounds like shin splints...
there is a membrane connecting the two bones (fibula/Tibia) since its not localized it sounds more like this is the issue. Sometimes under repeated pressure or strain it will tear or become irritated.

If it were more localized Id be concerned about your the lateral muscles of the leg, does it get worse twisting your foot outward? or tilting your foot outward (or at all)?

I would definitely rest it up... If you haven't changed your routine all that much I would get it checked out, you seem pretty active and a sudden change like this is ussually an alarm and if not the doc can give you a scrip for the Vikers!!!

BTW. Only a student therapist... Just friendly advice (disclaimer)
you could have a pinched nerve somewhere....either leg or back? I know since I have had back problems, my right leg aches at times. It isn't always in the same place, and it is usually my whole leg, but by times it is just below my knee, kind of all over.... Might be worth seeing a chiropracter to rule it out.
Thanks heaps for the advice guys. Will let you know the outcome. Twisting and turning etc doesn't seem to change anything. Will be interesting to see what happens when I'm off the bike for most of next week.
If after staying off the bike for a while it goes away then it may be due to your foot position either resting on the pegs or while using the clutch lever. Experiement with both.

It could also be that certain clothing you are wearing is binding cutting off circulation either behind the knee or at the hip.

Finally you said you run a fair amount so I assume you are physically fit but if you aren't I know that when I got into better shape I expereinced a lot less aches and pains from riding. You may want to see if a strecthing routine before and during a long ride helps.
have you ever tried a foam roller or a "stick" roller? I do a routine with one a few days per week to manage some hip/back leg issues of my own...quads, hamstrings, calves, piriformis, IT bands, lumbar region, rhomboids (upper back/shoulder area). It is an "eye-opening" experience at first!

Here is a link:
Thanks for the replies guys.

If after staying off the bike for a while it goes away then it may be due to your foot position either resting on the pegs or while using the clutch lever. Experiement with both.

It could also be that certain clothing you are wearing is binding cutting off circulation either behind the knee or at the hip.

Finally you said you run a fair amount so I assume you are physically fit but if you aren't I know that when I got into better shape I expereinced a lot less aches and pains from riding. You may want to see if a strecthing routine before and during a long ride helps.

I'm in pretty good shape (round's a good shape isn't it? :thumbup:). I'm pretty fit in any case. Its starting to look like some sort of overuse thing. I've been off the bike for a couple of days and it seems to have helped. DOH!

Now I need to go research and fiddle with the foot position on the pegs. It occurs to me that it could also be the way I have my foot on the ground. I usually wear orthotics but not while I'm riding. I always put my left foot down and my right on the back break ready to zoom off into the sunset.

Will have to experiment. Will be interesting if I ache tonight after having spent an hour or more on the bike today.

have you ever tried a foam roller or a "stick" roller? I do a routine with one a few days per week to manage some hip/back leg issues of my own...quads, hamstrings, calves, piriformis, IT bands, lumbar region, rhomboids (upper back/shoulder area). It is an "eye-opening" experience at first!

Here is a link:

Not tried it. Thanks for the info!
FYI, might have found the solution.

I was off the bike for a few days and the aching abated. Therefore, the bike is somehow causing the problem.

Its only in my left leg which is the one I put down 95% of the time when I'm stopping. I now make sure I'm putting my orthotics in every time I ride so that my foot position is correct.

The ache is still there a little bit but much better. :Flash:
Since it's the left, could it have to do with your shift lever position? Is it too much one way or the other (high or low), causing an excessive amount of extension or some such thing?

Seems kinda weird that just putting your foot down on the ground would cause an issue.

+1 on the muscle roller mentioned. I'm got both a foam roller and a "stick" (yes, I can hear the cracks coming now...). Seriously though, the "stick" is a self-massage tool that does wonders for working out knots in the muscles. You can use a foam roller and a stick while sitting and watching the tube. But watch out, using a foam roller is kinda addictive.
It may be the shifter position but it seems pretty comfortable to me.

Not sure about the muscle roller. Will have to check it out with the physio next time. Definitely worth a look!