A question for the guys who commute


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Jun 30, 2009
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United Kingdon, Birmingham
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Ok, so i run GIVI E21 side cases and a Yamaha / GIVI 46 top box.

Just out of curiosity of you guys / girls who also commute day in day out, hard luggage or soft, what do you carry?

i think because i have the space i have started to carry stuff i dont even need and would not normally carry :spank:
I have a soft tail bag that I put in extra warm clothes so I can layer up in morning and take them off for the afternoon commute in the sun.

I have a soft magnetic tank bag that takes all of 3 seconds to remove, so my wallet, cell phone, house keys and other daily essentials go in the tank bag so I can take the bag with me into the office or into a store for safe keeping.

That said, I have lockable hard luggage on my cruiser and it's very convenient.
I have a standard backpack and am very much looking forward to a tail case. I carry my lunch, sometimes a pair of shoes (usually just leave them at work), and sometimes a laptop. Other than than, whatever layer I removed for the afternoon commute goes in the bag.

I would like a tail case but I really don't like the look of them. The Givi boxes might be nice, but they look nothing like stock. So far, the nicest looking luggage I've seen is mrphotoman's painted Axxio tank and tail bags.
im assuming you leave the tail bag on the bike at all times? i also have a soft tail bag and also magnetic tank bag (they don't get used unless i am carrying loads of stuff ). I usually carry waterproofs in a rucksack so i can change into them while in work so i dont have to get them off the bike first. also some spare gloves and bungees in the side box's just in-case. and leave my helmet in the top box while in work
I would like a tail case but I really don't like the look of them. The Givi boxes might be nice, but they look nothing like stock. So far, the nicest looking luggage I've seen is mrphotoman's painted Axxio tank and tail bags.

The older you get the more you trade looks for functionality! ;) Wearing a heavy back pack sucks and is actually kinda dangerous when the weight shifts mid-corner.

im assuming you leave the tail bag on the bike at all times?

Yes, tail bag stays on the bike. It is 6 years old now and faded from UV damage...no one is going to steal it. :thumbup:

I have soft saddle bags as well but I only use those on trips because they effect the bike at speed due to air resistance. The tail bag makes no difference.
V46 top and V35 sides. What do I carry? EVERYTHING :rof:

Large laptop bag (top case). Full change of clothes including shoes (one side). Fairly large cooler (other side). Loads of free space if I ever need to bring anything else.
I have a similar set up as yours. E21 side case and a Ebay top case that is just a bit bigger than a Givi46 for about 1/4 of the price.

One side case is fill with rain gears and the other side I use it to carry random stuff like flashlight, lube, rags and little bottle of cleaner for the visor. I use the top case for my backpack. It does rain a lot here in Florida during summer time... need to keep everything dry. And the fact that they all lock give me a little peace of mind if I stop for dinner with my wife. We can leave the helmets on the bike safely locked.

Looking on getting a new ride before the end of the year... that one will be left without luggage.
i think i am just trying to find the most practical way of carrying everything, deffo gonna ditch the rucksack and start using the tank bag. put waterproofs in one of the side cases and have the other just in case i need to carry anything
I just take a backpack - throw my lunch and dress shoes in it, sometimes a laptop.

I've got some emergency weather gear at the office incase it decides to rain in the afternoon so I can layer up a bit more for the ride home.

I'm in pretty heavy traffic most of the way, so having my load shift during a turn isn't going to happen as I have to ride mostly upright the whole trip.

I might go with a tailbag at some point - it's always such a PITA to get the backpack on/off with my elbowpads and lack of flexibility.
Maybe if you post the list of essentials and the list of desirable but not essential stuff you need to carry the guys with the experience in here can throw in some suggestions.

I just use a tank bag that holds my visor with a couple tools and my stethoscope.
Nelson Riggs SLR soft bags. Because it fit my needs. Comes off in literally 5 seconds (2 buckles unclip) which is awesome for taking your stuff with you. It also has an integrated buckle system which hooks up with the soft top bag.

Now mind you if I were commuting somewhere sketchy where stuff might get stolen or I couldn't bring my bags in, I'd think about lockable side cases, probably some Trax cases because that's what fits my hard case needs :)
Forgot to mention when I'm going to school I just use a samsonite backpack, very comfy and doesn't break the bank :D
Ok, so i run GIVI E21 side cases and a Yamaha / GIVI 46 top box.

Just out of curiosity of you guys / girls who also commute day in day out, hard luggage or soft, what do you carry?

i think because i have the space i have started to carry stuff i dont even need and would not normally carry :spank:

Although I commute I have a locker at my work so I don't really carry anything, if the weather is colder in the morning I can always stick a sweat shirt in the big back pocket on my jacket on the way home, and if my normal gloves are too cold I just stick the heated grips on :thumbup:
I have E21 side cases, and E52 topcase. Once you go hard luggage, you'll never go back.

For my daily commute, I leave the house with my "lunch" (usually 3-4 meals of food) in one E21, my gym bag in the other E21, and my sneakers in the topcase.

When I get to the gym - sneakers and gym bag come out, boots in the now-empty E21, and helmet/suit in the topcase.

When I get to work, sneakers and lunch come out, boots in the other now-empty E21, and helmet/suit in the topcase. So I never have to carry any gear into the gym or work.

I don't carry much extra, other than a spare pair of gloves or sweatshirt for in case its cool in the mornings.

The older you get the more you trade looks for functionality! ;)
Aint that the truth - I ride with full Givi cases, a high-vis helmet, and a Aerostich onesie... and I haven't even hit 30 yet

Wearing a heavy back pack sucks and is actually kinda dangerous when the weight shifts mid-corner.
Even moreso if you crash while wearing a loaded backpack
I commute with an Ogio tail bag. It's pretty small but expands to fit quite a bit, has a built in rain cover, doesn't shift while riding, and is super easy to attach to the bike. Clips on with 4 snaps and you can easily take it on and off to carry it around with you.

I think this is the newer model of the one I have:

Ogio Tail Bag - Street Motorcycle - Motorcycle Superstore

I've taken weekend trips with just that bag and was able to carry shoes and 2 days worth of clothing along with toiletries. Highly recommended.
I have a soft tail bag with my normal stuff....laptop, charger, and a few little things and my rain liner just in case....it sucks to ride 60 miles in the rain even with the rain gear....
Was just thinking of posting that a top case is the best thing in the world. I have an E52 that never leaves the bike. Also have a set of V35's in the mail, but will likely leave them at home day to day.

Standard contents are a Frogg Togg's rain suit, gym bag, iPad, sometimes my laptop bag, overpants with warm liners for my jacket and pants if the weather is potentially cool, and pair of shoes if needed.

It just adds so much versatility to the bike. Fantastic feeling knowing that you can go shopping and buy stuff, or leave things on the bike when needed with a reasonable sense of security, or just plain have the space to put stuff instead of having to carry it on you. Mine has carried a medium pizza a few times as well ;)

I used to commute for a years with a backpack, once you try a top case, there's simply no going back. It's so convenient, you forget about just how ugly it is. Worst thing with a backpack are those super hot summer days, sitting in traffic, wearing gear, and on top of all that you have a heavy bag pressing on your back. With a top case, I even have somewhere to put my jacket if it gets too hot.

Was cleaning the bike yesterday and left the top case upstairs afterwards. Went for coffee in the evening and had to stuff my ipad in the back pocket of my jacket. Was thinking of riding to work this morning, but didn't want to carry my gym bag on my back, pack a pair of work shoes, or stuff my rain suit in it as they were calling for rain, ended up leaving the bike at home. Top case is going back on as soon as I get home.

If you use your bike as a mode of transportation and not just a toy, a top case is probably the best purchases you can make. Waterproof, secure, and if you're smart, always there. There's a reason why it's pretty much standard on every bike in europe
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I use a magnetic tank bag where I keep warmer gloves, overpants (in case it rains) and shoes but I've been known to leave the shoes at work.
I commute with a tankbag and a backpack.

The tankbag carries the MC necessities (pressure gauge, kickstand plate, spare reading glasses, etc) and I also use it to carry a copy of Newsweek, , er now Time, with me to lunch.

The backpack carries my day-use stuff to the job: gym clothes, size-13 gym shoes, thermos of iced tea, bottle of scotch, and any paperwork required for that day. While it does get a bit hot during hot days, its nice to get off the bike, remove the key, and walk away, not having to open anything.
I have the Givi T492 soft bags. They work great for my needs. I used to ride with a back pack, but if you have heavy items your back will start to strain after long rides. Also have the Joe Rocket Manta XL tank bag. I also have a Kriega US20 tank bag, that I almost never use anymore because of the soft bags.