A question about the seat


Junior Member
Feb 25, 2012
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Can anyone tell me how waterproof/resistant the stock seat is? I have never used my bike in the rain, but am about to start using as a main mode of transportation and I am concerned about the rain.
I've ridden a lot in the rain. As long as there's no rips or tears, you'll be fine. As for the storage under the seat, 8 hours of pouring rain at highway speeds and my papers in a plastic bag (with holes in it) were dry. Thing to remember is that your gloves will feel slippery on the bars.
All motorcycle seats are water-resistant. As mentioned by lawlberg, as long as there are no holes / tears in the cover.
I've ridden a lot in the rain. As long as there's no rips or tears, you'll be fine. As for the storage under the seat, 8 hours of pouring rain at highway speeds and my papers in a plastic bag (with holes in it) were dry. Thing to remember is that your gloves will feel slippery on the bars.

When you pull out the plasticbag (or whatever you have stored under the seat) how hot does it seem to be?
Have never really stored anything else than the standard tool-kit there. On longer rides maybe I could store stuff like passport (in a little plasticbag) and at pair of extra summer gloves (for riding in the middle of the day)... or might the leather/plastic get all toasty from allround driving (highway+city)?
And Denmark is a small place - at least once a year I'm on a 7-800km one-day trip through Nothern Germany (that's why I need to passport) :)
It is seriously hot under my seat in the Summer. I've been meaning to try boiling an egg under there. Breakfast on-the-go :thumbup:
Mine doesn't get too bad. I've got the toolbag at the bottom, a PC3 strapped to the side and I place the papers, a lock and a couple of shoelaces (for holding the tank up if I have to do any electrical/air filter stuff on the side of the road). I'd say it's probably because I still have the stock pipes - with aftermarket pipes I could definitely see it heating up a little bit more, but nothing crucial, it's designed for holding those things.