a New Pilot!!!



Janette Solo-ed today !!! I had started teaching her last weekend and today she took off and landed on her own. a little more stick time and will start on the aileron training!!!:thumbup:
congrats on the solo! I remember my first solo flight on both a plane and heli. I don't thing my heard could have beat any faster!:)
Wow J, you must be a quick learner. Congrats. You're going to have to let the rest of us know the location of your secret flying location. ;)
Wow J, you must be a quick learner. Congrats. You're going to have to let the rest of us know the location of your secret flying location. ;)

Not to toot my own horn, but BEEP BEEP.......I think I'm a pretty quick learner, but I think anybody could fly that plane.

I'm sorry I can not release that information.....hence the word, "secret" ;)