A little discouraged, hit a car today


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2011
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San Francisco
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I was driving down a busy one way street in the center lane. The car in front of me was driving along and we were about to go through an intersection (that was green by the way). She slams on her brakes so she could turn right at the intersection at the last minute...I slam on mine, but of course, I glide right into her back left fender, scraping it up a bit. My bike now has a destroyed front cowling and a busted headlight.

I'm going to take this to insurance but I'm still pissed off. I know I'm probably going to be blamed at-fault for this, but seriously, I was caged by a bus so had to move up, and then she tries to cut into a long line of people attempting to turn right. I did NOT expect that at all especially with no vehicles in front of her.

I'm pretty new at this and dropped my bike a couple times but I'm getting a little discouraged. I LOVE riding my bike and I don't want to stop riding if I can.
It's no fun to hear it, and you probably already realize it, but you could've avoided it by leaving a bigger cushion of space. Glad you're ok, don't give up, and sorry to be the guy who said it but it makes you a better rider in the long run to realize that juuuust about every accident except for deer and turkeys was avoidable if you'd done something differently. Get it fixed and get back up there.
Don't get discouraged! Chalk this up to a learning experience. I've been riding for 25 years and I'm only thirty seven! If I could only count how many times I wrecked the dirt bike at my grandpa's farm! I've also wrecked my 82 Honda nighthawk when I was in high school, and in 2002 crashed my almost new Suzuki SV650! I'm still riding!! :rockon:
It's no fun to hear it, and you probably already realize it, but you could've avoided it by leaving a bigger cushion of space.

Exactly. Sometimes it doesn't seem like it would have helped, but this space (2-3 seconds or more) would allow you to swerve out of the direction of impact and then apply the brakes if still necessary.

Also, it's reallyY tough, but the first reaction should be to swerve, not mash the brakes.

But sometimes, there is just nothing you could do. An extra cushion always helps though
Yep. Always try to swerve first. Very rarely will you not be able to fit between two lanes of traffic and unless the cop is super douche, they aren't going to give you a ticket for lane splitting to avoid an accident.
That's sucks man, but good to hear that you are ok, I like to keep my distance from cars for the most part, although I hate it when people think it's ok to go around me and get in front of me to close the distance :spank:
Thanks all...unfortunately I was caged to the right by a large bus that decided to merge into my lane and I didn't think they could see me so I sped up...at the same time the car in front decided to lay on the brakes. So I was screwed...no way to swerve and stuck between the two.
I cannot stand when people choose to stop in the middle of traffic so that THEY don't miss their turn. I'm not clear on whether or not your accident fit this situation or not, but I swear, there a few things so selfish that bother me so much. "Oh darn, I'm about to miss my turn because I'm not in the correct lane, let me stop and wait for someone to let me over, nevermind the people behind me... It would take waaaaaayyyy too long to just miss my turn and go back..."
I'm pretty new at this and dropped my bike a couple times but I'm getting a little discouraged. I LOVE riding my bike and I don't want to stop riding if I can.

Well the situation sucks, but be thankful you weren't hurt!

You have to become a very defensive rider on a bike...and once you get out into the country or mountains, you'll never want to give up your bike. Hang in there :thumbup:
Keep your distance - just glad you weren't hurt.

You learn something new EVERY time you ride your bike. You've had your lesson for the day.

You have to assume that every other vehicle on the road is going to cut in front of you etc or pedestrian on the pavement is about to jump out in front of you. If you ride thinking "They are all idiots, I need to be careful" it'll sink in.

Again, so glad you're ok.
Riding is dangerous, and as I've found living in LA riding in traffic is seriously dangerous, and pretty scary IMO. Not fun for sure.

Glad to hear you are OK man. Try to fight it with the 'at fault' for the insurance if you can, but hey that's what it's for either way.
Well at least your in one piece mate
i know what your saying but unfortunately this is the reality of riding people will and do stupid things. don't be discouraged we have all staked it. things come up quick on bikes so keep your head up leave some room and scan you will enjoy the ride
First of all, glad you're okay. The bike can be fixed, so can the car you crashed into.

As others have said: Keep your distance next time you ride:thumbup:
Glad your ok. Like you said most likely you will held at a 100% fault through your insurance company on the grounds of following to closely and not leaving enough space to safely stop your vehicle.
You said that you have dropped the bike before, and you are feeling a bit discouraged. I suggest that you look into local motorcycle safety courses in your area. The training can help rebuild your confidence, teach you many vital skills to help you keep the rubber side down and possibly prevent this or anything similar from happening again.
Good luck out there, and ride safe.
We all come close to hitting cars(or them hitting us) from time to time, and thank our lucky stars when we dont. But we all learn a bit from every close call.
Yor experience is just closer than anyone wants to get....but having said that, youve picked up very valuable experience. Dont lose heart. My son has dropped his bike 3 times this year. Each time, major fork damage and hip pocket paralysis. But he wants his bike back,he misses it.he hasnt mentioned the bruised knees and grazed elbow since it happened.and he knows there will be bugger all change from$1500 again
S*** happens, but you are ok,and that is the main thing!
all the best, hope yr ins. Co. is sympathetic to the situation

Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat fingers...you know!
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As others have said - people are idiots and you can't ever predict what they are going to do. Experience will help and so will leaving extra room, I have been riding 10 years and one of my biggest bad habits is following too closely :spank:

That being said - I still drop my bike once in a while - at least once a riding season so don't lose heart, it happens and frame sliders are your friends.
Glad you are okay! Ditto as others have said, chaulk this up to experience. I've been riding 40 plus years and I am still learning. The most valuable lesson is to assume every cager does not see you and could care less about you! Hang in there!
One thing that I try to do when I ride is leave an escape option. I tend to ride closer to the lines so I can see around cars so I can see what is coming up and also to give myself some place to go if they do something suddenly in front of me.

Hind site is always 20/20, and it's easy to say to leave more space, I hate it when people follow to closely and sometimes I tend to remove the space in front to leave space behind me too. It's not the best solution and I try to find a way to change it. I've also been one to slow down if I have no option and force who ever is following to slow down or maybe if they get it to back off.